Behavioural Problems in Preschool Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey: The Role of Parental COVID-19 Experiences and Parental Stress, Depression and Anxiety / Problemi u ponašanju predškolske djece tijekom pandemije COVID-19 u Turskoj: uloga iskustava roditelja s pandemijom koronavirusa i njihove razine depresije, anksioznosti i stresa

Semanur Sancili, Mehmet Nur Tugluk



The aim of this paper was to examine the relationship between parents’ COVID-19 experiences (contact with COVID-19, housing conditions and the quality of life, and difficulties of the pandemic period) and parental stress and their depression, anxiety and stress levels. The study was conducted using a correlational survey model, one of the quantitative research designs. The participants were selected via convenience sampling method, i.e. 307 parents of children four to six years of age from Istanbul voluntarily participated in the study (M=4,94;SD=0,79). The data were collected online using the following instruments: General Information Form; COVID-19 Survey; Parental Stress Scale; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS21) and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The obtained data were analysed using SPSS 25. The research results showed no significant relationship between COVID-19 experiences and parental stress, that is, it was proven that parents’ contact with COVID-19 does not affect their depression, anxiety or stress levels. However, housing conditions, the changing quality of life due to COVID-19 and the experienced difficulties during the pandemic have an effect on parents’ anxiety and stress levels. With regard to the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and children’s behavioural problems, contact with COVID-19 and experienced difficulties during the pandemic were not found to be related to children’s behavioural problems. On the other hand, the results revealed the joint significant effect of parental experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic and their stress, depression and anxiety levels on children’s behavioural problems.

Key words: children’s behavioural problems, COVID-19 pandemic, parental stress, preschool period.





Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti odnos između iskustava roditelja s pandemijom COVID-19 (Kontakt s virusom, Uvjeti stanovanja i kvaliteta života i Teškoće pandemijskoga razdoblja) i stresa roditeljstva te razina depresije, anksioznosti i stresa roditelja. U ovome istraživanju korišten je model korelacijskoga intervjua koji spada u skupinu kvantitativnih istraživačkih modela. Sudionici su odabrani metodom prigodnoga uzorkovanja. 307 roditelja djece u dobi od četiri do šest godina odabralo je sudjelovati u istraživanju (M = 4,94;SD = 0,79). Podatci su sakupljeni online uz upotrebu sljedećih instrumenata: Obrazac s općim informacijama; COVID-19 upitnik; Skala stresa roditelja; Skala depresije, anksioznosti i stresa (SDAS21) i Upitnik snaga i problema (USP). Dobiveni podatci analizirani su u programu SPSS 25. Rezultati istraživanja nisu pokazali značajan odnos između roditeljskih iskustava s pandemijom COVID-19 i stresa roditeljstva, tj. dokazano je da kontakt roditelja s COVID-om ne utječe na njihove razine depresije, anksioznosti i stresa. Ipak, uvjeti stanovanja i promjenjiva kvaliteta života zbog virusa te doživljene teškoće tijekom pandemije imaju učinak na razinu anksioznosti i stresa roditelja. Rezultati pokazuju da kontakt s pandemijom i zbog toga doživljene teškoće roditelja nisu povezane s problemima u ponašanju djece. S druge strane, rezultati govore uz prilog zajedničkom značajnom djelovanju roditeljskih iskustava s pandemijom i njihovih razina depresije, anksioznosti i stresa na probleme u ponašanju djece.

Ključne riječi: pandemija COVID-19, predškolski period; problemi u ponašanju djece, stres roditelja.

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