Some Specificities of Students' Satisfaction with Hospital School / Neke specifičnosti zadovoljstva učenika školom u bolnici

Iva Filipušić, Siniša Opić, Vlasta Krešić


AbstractThe aim of this paper is to explore some specificities of students' satisfaction with hospital school. A sample of 125 students who were patients in the Children's Hospital Zagreb was used for collecting data on overall satisfaction with hospital school, by using a modified version of “What do you really think of school?“ questionnaire (Galton et al., 2003). Since the original factor validity of the scale had not been confirmed, composite variables were constructed by using particles that originally make the factors of the scales. The values of the measures of central tendency indicated a high estimate of overall satisfaction with hospital schooling. Correlation analysis did not confirm the connection between the time spent in hospital and composite variables of overall satisfaction with hospital school. However, a low negative correlation was found between the age (grade) and two composite variables (satisfaction with school; r=0.330 and satisfaction with working environment; r=0.370). The tested differences between medical condition (students can move/cannot move) and the estimate of overall satisfaction with hospital schooling were not confirmed.Key words: hospital pedagogy; hospital school; students’ satisfaction 
SažetakCilj rada jest istražiti neke specifičnosti zadovoljstva školom u bolnici. Na uzorku od 125 učenika, pacijenata Klinike za dječje bolesti Zagreb, koji su uključeni u program škole u bolnici, prikupljeni su podaci o ukupnom zadovoljstvu školom u bolnici, a s pomoću modificirane verzije upitnika Što stvarno misliš o školi (Galton i sur., 2003). Budući da nije potvrđena originalna faktorska valjanost skale, konstruirane su kompozitne varijable s pomoću čestica koje originalno čine izvorne faktore skale. Iz vrijednosti mjera centralne tendencije indicira se visoka procjena ukupnog zadovoljstva školom u bolnici. U sklopu korelacijske analize nije potvrđena povezanost između vremena provedenog u bolnici i kompozitnih varijabli ukupnog zadovoljstva školom u bolnici, no potvrđena je niska negativna korelacija između dobi (razreda) i dvije kompozitne varijable (zadovoljstvo školom; r=-0,330 i zadovoljstvo radnim okružjem; r=-0,370). Testirane razlike između zdravstvenog statusa (pokretan/nepokretan) i procjene ukupna zadovoljstva školom u bolnici nisu potvrđene.Ključne riječi: bolnička pedagogija; škola u bolnici; zadovoljstvo učenika

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