Evaluating Physical Education Teaching in Higher Grades of Primary School / Vrednovanje nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u višim razredima osnove škole
The main objective of this study was the evaluation of physical education teaching in higher grades of primary school through the attitudes of subject teachers. The sample consisted of 89 primary school teachers from the Osijek-Baranja County in the Republic of Croatia. A questionnaire was designed so as to assess the attitudes of preparation, teaching diversity and outcomes of teaching by using three subsets of variables (total of 42 items). A satisfactory reliability (Cronbach (α) 0.79 to 0.82, and the ICC – intra-class correlation coefficient from 0.68 to 0.73 were obtained. Differences in the teachers' estimates were made with two sets of classification variables (demographic characteristics and evaluation of working conditions). Descriptive statistics, response percentages and the ANOVA univariate test of difference were applied. The results indicate that the majority of teachers regularly prepare and successfully adapt their teaching to pupils’ abilities. They commonly use kinesiology methods and organization of work in their teaching. They rarely use modern teaching methods. They evaluate the prescribed programming system as complex and they apply it differently. High marks which students receive in physical education are not in accordance with the level of achievement, and they evaluate their efforts highly. Differences in the teachers’ attitudes relate to the preparation segments and the methodological diversity, while these differences are less pronounced in the area of assessing teaching outcomes.
Key words: attitudes; evaluation; methodological diversity; preparation; subject teachers.
Osnovni cilj ovoga rada bio je vrednovanje nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u višim razredima osnovne škole na temelju stavova predmetnih učitelja. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvatio je 89 učitelja osnovnih škola Osječko-baranjske županije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Konstruiran je upitnik kojim su s tri podskupa varijabli (ukupno 42 čestice) procijenjeni stavovi o pripremanju, metodičkoj raznolikosti i ishodima nastave. Dobivena je zadovoljavajuća pouzdanost (Cronbach (α) od 0,79 do 0,82 te ICC – intraklasni koeficijent korelacije od 0,68 do 0,73. Razlike u procjenama učitelja učinjene su s dva seta klasifikacijskih varijabli (demografska obilježja, procjena uvjeta rada). Primijenjeni su deskriptivna statistika, postoci odgovora i univarijatni testovi razlika ANOVA. Rezultati ukazuju na to da se većina učitelja redovito priprema i uspješno prilagođuje nastavu mogućnostima učenika. U nastavi se najčešće koriste kineziološke metode i organizaciju rada. Rjeđe se primjenjuju suvremene metode poučavanja. Propisani sustav programiranja ocjenjuju složenim i različito ga primjenjuju. Visoke ocjene učenika iz tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture nisu u skladu s razinom postignuća i najviše se ocjenjuje učeničko zalaganje. Razlike u stavovima učitelja najviše se odnose na segmente pripremanja i metodičke raznolikosti, a manje su izražene u području procjene ishoda nastave.
Ključne riječi: metodička raznolikost; pripremanje; predmetni učitelji; stavovi; vrednovanje.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v17i1.998
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