Evaluations of Learners, Teachers and School Management Boards with Regard to the Indicators of Contemporary Teacher Competences / Procjene učenika, učitelja i vodstva škole o indikatorima suvremene učiteljske kompetentnosti

Daria Tot


The paper presents the results of the study into the opinions that learners, teachers, and school management have about the indicators of contemporary teacher competences. The study included 876 participants, lower/higher grade teachers, primary school management boards and learners. The adults considered establishing a nice relationship between teachers and learners/other school employees as the most important measurable indicator. The learners ranked teacher competences focused on learner needs very high (the first, second, and third important). Factor analysis was used for classifying 23 indicators of contemporary teacher competences into three groups, taking into account evaluations by both learners and adults. Statistically significant differences were found in their opinions. The results of the study have their application value because they indicate the recommendation of permanent expansion with regard to professional competences due to the new roles of teachers in contemporary teaching.
Key words: teaching profession; teaching skills


U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mišljenja učenika, učitelja i vodstva škole o indikatorima suvremene učiteljske kompetentnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 876 ispitanika, učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave, vodstva te učenika osnovnih škola. Odrasli ispitanici najvažnijim mjerljivim indikatorima suvremene učiteljske kompetentnosti smatraju izgrađen topao i ljudski odnos prema učenicima i drugim djelatnicima škole. Rangiranjem je utvrđeno da su učenici prva tri mjesta namijenili onim indikatorima učiteljske kompetentnosti koji su usmjereni učeničkim potrebama. Faktorskom su analizom dvadeset tri indikatora suvremene učiteljske kompetentnosti razvrstana u tri skupine, kako u učeničkim procjenama tako i u procjenama odraslih ispitanika. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u njihovu mišljenju. Rezultati istraživanja imaju aplikacijsku vrijednost jer upućuju na preporuke za neprestanim nadopunjavanjem profesionalnih učiteljskih kompetencija zbog preuzimanja novih uloga u suvremenom poučavanju.
Ključne riječi: nastavna umijeća; učiteljsko zanimanje

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v15i3.897


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