Multimedia Resources in an Online Course: Access and Usage with/Multimedijski resursi e-kolegija: pristup i upotreba s obzirom na osjetilni modalitet

Tomislava Lauc, Sanja Kišiček, Petra Bago



In this paper we present a research on students’ perceptual modes and their learning activity with respect to use of multimedia learning resources in a virtual learning environment within an online course. The course content is offered in the form of lessons designed in the Moodle course management system. Lessons contain three different types of resources: textual, pictorial resources accompanied by text, and video resources. Considering the results of the VARK questionnaire, which labels the students’ learning styles, i.e. perceptual modes, as visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic, we investigate the relation between the students’ perceptual modes and their learning activity regarding different types of resources. The results show that two out of three students are multimodal regarding their perceptual modality, and that students prefer pictorial resources accompanied by text. The research findings on learners’ preferences lead to more effective instructional design in an online learning environment.

Key words: multimedia learning; perceptual modality; VARK.



U radu je prikazano istraživanje odnosa osjetilnog modaliteta i aktivnosti studenata s obzirom na odabir multimedijskih resursa e-kolegija. Sadržaj kolegija prezentiran je upotrebom lekcija izrađenih u sustavu za upravljanje nastavnim sadržajima Moodle. Lekcije sadrže tri tipa resursa: tekstualni, slikovno-tekstualni i video resurs. Upotrebom upitnika VARK utvrđeni su načini učenja utemeljeni na senzornom modalitetu (vizualni, auralni, tekstualni i kinestetički), zatim istraženi odnosi modaliteta studenata i aktivnosti s obzirom na odabir različitih multimedijskih resursa. Rezultati pokazuju da su dva od tri studenta multimodalni i da su u učenju skloni odabiru slikovno-tekstualnog resursa.

Ključne riječi: multimedijsko učenje; osjetilni modalitet; VARK.

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