Investigating the Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning on Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Opinions about the Approach / Istraživanje utjecaja istraživačkog pristupa učenju na stavove i mišljenja budućih nastavnika o njemu

Orçun Bozkurt



Aim of the study was to examine the effect of research-based learning on pre-service teachers’ attitudes and to present their opinions about the approach in the science and technology laboratory. The study was carried out on 66 undergraduate students, and had the pre-test – post-test control group design. Attitude scale towards the science and technology laboratory, attitude scale towards research-based learning and a form of interview about T diagram used in the research-based learning method were used for data collection. The research-based learning approach was applied in the experimental group, and the traditional learning approach was applied in the control group. The results showed that research-based learning positively affected the students’ attitudes towards this and inquiry-based learning approach attitude marks.
Key words: inquiry-based learning approach; science education; students’ attitudes; student opinion.



Cilj je istraživanja bio odrediti utjecaj istraživačkog pristupa učenju na stavove budućih nastavnika i predstaviti njihova mišljenja o istraživačkom pristupu u laboratoriju za istraživački rad. U njemu je sudjelovalo ukupno 66 dodiplomskih studenata, a obuhvaćalo je pred-testiranje i post-testiranje kontrolne grupe. Za prikupljanje podataka korišteni su: ljestvica stavova o laboratoriju, ljestvica stavova o istraživačkom učenju i intervju o T dijagramu koji se koristi u istraživačkoj nastavi. Istraživački se pristup odnosio na eksperimentalnu grupu, dok se tradicionalni pristup odnosio na kontrolnu grupu. Prema rezultatu istraživanja, istraživačka je nastava pozitivno utjecala na stavove studenata o njoj.
Ključne riječi: istraživački pristup učenju; nastava prirodoslovlja;  stavovi studenata; mišljenja studenata

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