Early Childhood and Preschool Education University Students' Views and Assessments Regarding Visual Art and Music Areas / Stajališta i procjene studenata odgojiteljskog studija o likovnom i glazbenom području
The objective of the system of higher education at teacher education institutions is to prepare students, future early childhood and preschool education teachers, for all segments of their profession, and indicate the importance of art in the early childhood and preschool period. The goal of this paper is to examine students' views and assessment of their own experience in the artistic areas (visual art and music) regarding previous education, and the way students assess their satisfaction with their own personal growth in acquiring knowledge and skills in the visual art and music area in their final year of early childhood and preschool education studies. The study was conducted on the sample of 144 students of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, including local branches in Petrinja and Čakovec. The participating students were in their first (N=71), and third year (N=73) of study. The results of the research indicated that, regarding their previous education, students assesed their competence in visual art and music areas as good. Using the t-test, it was established that knowledge of the artistic area depends on the type of secondary education they have received. The results of Mann Whitney U-test showed no significant difference between the first and the third year students in their perception of the personality area under the influence of art. Using the Spearman correlation coefficient, correlation was established between the presence of individual functions within visual art and music areas and students' self-assessments of their own progress in acquiring knowledge and skills in the same areas. Students indicated the need for more practical tasks in some activities in visual art and music areas.
Key words: artistic education; music education; future early childhood and preschool teachers' views and assessment; visual art education.
Sustav odgoja i obrazovanja u visokoškolskim ustanovama učiteljskih fakulteta ima zadaću osposobiti studente, buduće odgajatelje, u svim segmentima struke i ukazati na važnost umjetnosti u predškolskom razdoblju. Cilj rada je ispitati kakva su stajališta i procjene studenata o vlastitim iskustvima iz umjetničkih područja (likovnog i glazbenog) s obzirom na prethodno obrazovanje, te kako studenti procjenjuju zadovoljstvo osobnim napretkom u stjecanju znanja i vještina na likovnom i glazbenom području na kraju odgojiteljskog studija. Istraživanje je bilo provedeno na uzorku od 144 studenta Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu s odsjekom u Petrinji i Čakovcu. Sudjelovali su studenti 1. godine (N = 71) i 3. godine (N = 73) studija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako studenti s obzirom na prethodno obrazovanje procjenjuju svoje poznavanje likovnog i glazbenog područja dobrim. T - testom utvrđeno je kako poznavanje umjetničkog područja ovisi o vrsti završenog srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između studenta 1. i 3. godine u percepciji područja osobnosti na koju umjetnost utječe, pokazali su rezultati Mann Whitney U testa. Spearmanovim koeficijentom korelacije utvrđeno je kako postoji povezanost između zastupljenosti pojedinih djelatnosti unutar likovnog i glazbenog područja te samoprocjene studenta o vlastitom napretku u stjecanju znanja i vještina na istim područjima. Studenti iskazuju potrebu za više praktičnih vježbi iz pojedinih djelatnosti likovnog i glazbenog područja.
Ključne riječi: glazbeni odgoj; likovni odgoj; stajališta i procjene studenata budućih odgojitelja; umjetnički odgoj
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v15i3.640
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