AComparing ’Ex catedra’ and IT-Supported Teaching Methods and Techniques: Policy of Teaching Practice/Usporedba ex catedra i računalno potpomognutih metoda i tehnika poučavanja: politika nastavne prakse
Teaching at higher education institutions in Serbia still relies on traditional ‘ex catedra’ methods and is mostly based on acquiring factual knowledge, which discourages student participation in the learning process, as well as any initiative on their part. The aim of the paper is to point to the implementation of the traditional ‘ex catedra’ versus the use of IT-supported teaching methods and techniques. The underlying idea is that professors’ abilities depend on their familiarity with different teaching methods and techniques, their knowledge of a foreign language, and the use of ICT. The data analysis has confirmed that teachers do differ from each other with respect to their academic titles: senior teachers (associate and full professors) use traditional methods more frequently than younger teachers do. In general, all teachers should incorporate modern trends into their teaching styles, since traditional teaching methods and techniques are used more often than IT-supported ones.
Key words: IT-supported teaching; teaching methods; teaching techniques; traditional ‘ex catedra’ teaching; universities in Serbia
Na visokoškolskim institucijama u Srbiji poučavanje se još uvijek oslanja na tradicionalne ex catedra metode, većinom se temelji na usvajanju činjeničnoga znanja, čime se studenti obeshrabruju od sudjelovanja u procesu učenja i poduzimanja inicijative. Cilj ovoga rada jest uputiti na upotrebu tradicionalnog ex catedra poučavanja u usporedbi s računalno potpomognutim metodama i tehnikama poučavanja. Smatra se da sposobnosti nastavnika ovise o njihovu poznavanju različitih metoda i tehnika poučavanja, znanja stranoga jezika i upotrebe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Analiza rezultata potvrdila je da se nastavnici međusobno razlikuju s obzirom na akademska zvanja: iskusniji nastavnici (izvanredni i redoviti profesori) češće se koriste tradicionalnim metodama od njihovih mlađih kolega. Općenito, svi bi nastavnici trebali uključiti moderne trendove u svoje stilove poučavanja, s obzirom na to da se tradicionalne metode i tehnike koriste češće od onih računalno potpomognutih.
Ključne riječi: metode poučavanja; računalno potpomognuto poučavanje; sveučilišta u Srbiji; tehnike poučavanja; tradicionalno ex catedra poučavanje.
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