Informatics Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Primary Education Curriculum of the Given Subject in the Republic of Croatia and the Czech Republic/Stavovi učiteljica i učitelja informatike o kurikulima predmeta Informatika u osnovnom obrazovanju Republike Hrvatske i Češke Republike

Jana Sedlaček, Predrag Oreški


The current paper aims to analyse the attitudes of primary education teachers who
teach Informatics in the Republic of Croatia and the Czech Republic; these refer
to the given subject curricula that have been used in their countries. The sample
consisted of 368 teachers, 187 from the Republic of Croatia and 181 from the Czech
Republic. The research was conducted simultaneously in the Republic of Croatia and
the Czech Republic, using an online questionnaire. The obtained results show that
there is no statistically significant difference in the respondents’ satisfaction with the
given curriculum content, just as there is no statistically significant difference in the
respondents’ desire for additional primary teacher education with regards to their
country. However, the respondents from the Republic of Croatia (Mdn=4, M=4.19,
SD=1.01) can be considered more competent for teaching Informatics when compared
to the respondents from the Czech Republic (Mdn=4, M=3.74, SD=1.10), (Z=-4.49,
p=0.000), that is, there is a significant statistical difference between them in this
aspect. The qualitative part if the research indicates many curriculum advantages
and disadvantages being considered important by the teachers from both countries;
consequently, these should be taken into account at designing a new curricula.
Key words: curriculum, Informatics, Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic.


Cilj jeistraživanja prikazanoga u ovom radu analizirati stavove učiteljica i učitelja
informatike u osnovnom obrazovanju Republike Hrvatske i Češke Republike prema
kurikulima predmeta Informatika koji se koriste u njihovim zemljama. Uzorak
istraživanja čini ukupno 368 učiteljica i učitelja: 187 iz Republike Hrvatske i 181
iz Češke Republike. Istraživanje je provedeno istovremeno u Republici Hrvatskoj i
Češkoj Republici putem online upitnika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji
statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu ispitanika sadržajem kurikula predmeta
Informatika i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u želji ispitanika za dodatnim
obrazovanjem s obzirom na zemlju ispitanika. Međutim, ispitanici iz Republike
Hrvatske (Mdn = 4, M = 4,19, SD = 1,01) mogu se smatrati kompetentnijima za
izvođenje nastave uspoređujući ih s ispitanicima iz Češke Republike (Mdn = 4,
M = 3,74, SD = 1,10) (Z = -4,49, p = 0,000). U kvalitativnom dijelu istraživanja
navedene su mnoge prednosti i nedostatci kurikula koje učitelji iz obje zemlje smatraju
važnima te bi ih trebalo uzeti u obzir pri izradi sljedećega izdanja kurikula.
Ključne riječi: Češka Republika, informatika, kurikul, Republika Hrvatska.

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