The Influence of Dervishes on Religious Education of Muslim Children in Bihor During the Ottoman Period / Utjecaj derviša na vjersko obrazovanje muslimanske djece u Bihoru tijekom osmanske vladavine

Sait Šabotić



Dervishes played an extremely important role in the process of Ottoman conquest of Byzantine and South Slavic areas and in the spread of Islam in those areas.  However, this fact seems to have remained insufficiently emphasized, to a large extent even silencedwhen it comes to present day Montenegro and Bihor.  To write the history of the area without reference to dervishes and their influence on political, cultural and educational circumstances, seems to be scientifically unjustified. Therefore,  the purpose of this paper is to investigate and present knowledge about them, their historical role and heritage in that part of present day Montenegro, with special reference to their influence on religious education of Muslim children, all based on historical sources, historiographical literature and material evidence.,. During the archival and field research, and with the application of analytical, comparative and synthetic methods, interesting facts were discovered indicating a rather broad range of influences dervishes had on the lifestyle of population in Bihor. Their presence in the Bihor area has been more pronounced from the beginning of the 18th century. In addition to the spread of Islam, the dervishes in Bihor began with the construction of the first catering facilities, follwed by a visible influence the creation of literary tradition.

Keywords: Balkans; Bektashi; Montenegro; education; Sufis; Tekke.





Derviši su odigrali izuzetno značajnu ulogu u procesu osmanskih osvajanja bizantskih i južnoslovenskih prostora i širenju islama u njima, ali uprkos toj činjenici čini se da su ostali nedovoljno naglašena, u mnogočemu čak i prešućena pojava kada je u pitanju područje današnje Crne Gore i u njezinu okviru područje Bihora. Pisati povijest toga područja bez osvrta na njih i njihov utjecaj na političke, kulturne i obrazovne prilike, čini se da je znanstveno neopravdano. Upravo zato je svrha ovoga rada da na osnovi povijesnih izvora, historiografske literature i materijalnih dokaza, istraži i prezentira znanja o njima, njihovoj povijesnoj ulozi i nasljeđu koje su ostavili u tom dijelu današnje Crne Gore, uz poseban osvrt na njihov utjecaj koji su ostvarili u pogledu vjerskog obrazovanja muslimanske djece. Tijekom izvršenih arhivskih i terenskih istraživanja, te uz primjenu analitičke, komparativne i sintetičke metode, došli smo do zanimljivih rezultata koji ukazuju na dosta širok spektar utjecaja derviša na život stanovništva Bihora. Njihova prisutost na području Bihora izraženije je od početka XVIII. stoljeća. Osim širenja islama, derviši su u Bihoru započeli i s izgradnjom prvih gostinskih objekata, a pored toga vidno su utjecali i na stvaranje književne tradicije.

Ključne riječi: Balkan; bektašije; Crna Gora; odgoj; sufije; tekija.

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