University Students’ Attitudes about Morality Crisis Today / Stavovi studenata o krizi morala danas
This paper presents and analyzes the attitudes of university students on presence, characteristics, causes and ways to overcome the crisis of morality. The aim of this study was to determine whether and how students recognize the presence of a morality crisis in our society, as well as the causes of this phenomenon. Also, the intention of the authors of this paper is to determine students' attitudes about the connection between morality crisis and the role of school, family and other social institutions. In particular, it highlights the role of the family, schools, media, and their mutual cooperation in moral education. Furthermore, one of the aims of this study was to determine the extent to which students are consistent in their moral actions. This paper presents and explains verbally expressed students' attitudes about moral issues, as well as data obtained by empirical research. The general impression is that the students are aware of the presence of morality crisis, of the main characteristics and causes of the crisis, as well as partial ideas about ways of coping with it. However, the dominating attitudes of students are fear, pessimism, uncertainty and distrust in their own abilities. Also, a significant number of students, according to their attitudes, express inconsistency in their moral actions.
Key words: education; family; morality crisis; school; students
U radu se iznose i analiziraju stavovi studenata o prisutnosti, karakteristikama i uzrocima prevladavanja krize morala. Cilj rada je utvrditi prepoznaju li i koliko studenti prisutnost krize morala u društvu, kao i uzroke te pojave. Također, namjera autora je utvrditi stavove studenata o povezanosti krize morala s djelovanjem škole, obitelji i drugih društvenih institucija. Posebno se ističe uloga obitelji, škole, medija i njihova međusobna suradnja u moralnom odgoju. Uz navedeno, jedan od ciljeva rada je utvrditi koliko su studenti dosljedni u svom moralnom djelovanju. U radu su predstavljeni i obrazloženi verbalno izrečeni stavovi studenata o moralnim pitanjima, kao i podaci dobiveni empirijskim istraživanjem. Opći dojam je da među studentima postoji svijest o prisutnosti krize morala, glavnim karakteristikama i uzrocima, kao i djelomična ideja o načinima njezina prevladavanja. Ipak, u stavovima studenata dominira strah, pesimizam, nesigurnost i nepovjerenje u vlastite sposobnosti. Također, značajan broj studenata u iznesenim stavovima pokazuje nedosljednost u svom moralnom djelovanju.
Ključne riječi: kriza morala obitelj; obrazovanje; student; škola
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