Contribution of Children’s Self- Organised Musical Activities to the Lifelong Learning of Preschool Teachers / Doprinos djetetovih samoorganiziranih glazbenih aktivnosti cjeloživotnom učenju odgojitelja
The aim of the paper is to point out the importance of children’s active, exploratory
manner of acquiring musical skills and knowledge in authentic processes of
performing, creating, and listening to music as a form of a constructivist paradigm
within the framework of music education (Webster, 2011; Wiggins, 2016). With
adequate support and motivation from teachers during the process of education,
such activities can develop into the child’s self-organised musical activities. During
the conducted action research (AR), children’s musical activities were encouraged,
tracked, and documented. With the appropriate support (“scaffolding”) and
motivation from preschool teachers, they have developed into self-organised creative
musical activities of children. It was concluded that a stimulating spatial and material
environment, active participation of children in the creation and organisation of
musical activities, as well as adequate and unobtrusive encouragement and support
from preschool teachers can affect the increase in the frequency of self-organised
creative and musical activities of children in the process of education. Through
the AR, preschool teachers enrich and develop their competencies necessary for
implementing high-quality creative and musical activities, which are important
for children and their development. The spontaneity and creativity of the child
and the direct experience in musical and creative activities are forms of lifelong
professional development and training of preschool teachers, who, because of the
children, reinvent and excite their own, often repressed, creativity.
Keywords: action research; lifelong learning of preschool teachers; preschool children;
self-organised musical and creative activities.
U radu se želi ukazati na značaj djetetova aktivnoga, istraživačkog načina usvajanja
glazbenih vještina i znanja u autentičnim procesima izvođenja, stvaranja i slušanja
glazbe kao oblika konstruktivističke paradigme u okviru glazbenoga obrazovanja
(Webster, 2011; Wiggins, 2016). Uz adekvatnu podršku i poticaj odgojitelja u odgojnoobrazovnom
procesu, takve aktivnosti mogu prerasti u djetetove samoorganizirane
glazbene aktivnosti. Tijekom provedenoga akcijskog istraživanja (AI) poticane su,
praćene i dokumentirane djetetove glazbene aktivnosti koje su uz primjerenu podršku
(„scaffolding“) i poticaj odgojitelja, prerasle u samoorganizirane glazbeno-stvaralačke
aktivnosti djece. Zaključeno je da poticajno prostorno-materijalno okruženje, aktivno
sudjelovanje djece u kreiranju i organiziranju glazbenih aktivnosti te adekvatno i
nenametljivo poticanje i podrška odgojitelja, mogu utjecati na povećanje učestalosti
samoorganiziranih glazbeno-stvaralačkih aktivnosti djece u odgojno-obrazovnom
procesu. Putem AI, odgojitelj obogaćuje i razvija svoje kompetencije koje su potrebne
za provođenje kvalitetnih i za djecu i njihov razvoj značajnih glazbeno-stvaralačkih
aktivnosti. Djetetova spontanost i kreativnost te neposredni doživljaj pri glazbenostvaralačkim
aktivnostima, predstavljaju oblik cjeloživotnoga profesionalnog razvoja
i učenja odgojitelja koji, zahvaljujući djetetu, ponovno otkriva i pobuđuje svoj često
zatomljeni kreativni potencijal.
Ključne riječi: akcijsko istraživanje; cjeloživotno učenje odgojitelja; djeca predškolske
dobi; samoorganizirane glazbeno-stvaralačke aktivnosti.
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