Changes of Korean Education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution / Promjene korejskoga obrazovnog sustava i četvrta industrijska revolucija

Yoon-cheol Park


A society’s reality should be reflected in education, that is, educational methods need to keep up with the times. The purpose of this research is to examine the educational methods for the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the education system of Korea. The sample of the research targeted the Korean education system from 1960 to the present in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. A literature review and a descriptive approach were applied to analyze the sample, and the findings indicate that the education system of Korea may be classified into three stages from 1960 to the present. The first stage was nationalism, driven by the government, from 1960 to 1994; the second stage was liberalism, which emphasized autonomy, from 1995 to 2015; and the third stage was creativity for the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, from 2016 to the present. These results indicate that the education stages of nationalism and liberalism still exist in Korea and that past education methods, such as mass education, have not been replaced. The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires fusion and collaboration in the education sector, and a personalized learning system, which values individual talents, experiences and aptitudes, will expectedly be a crucial factor in determining the educational methods of Korea in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as this research suggests.

Key words: collaboration; creativity; fusion; mass education; personalized learning system.




Obrazovne potrebe trebaju odražavati stvarnost društva, a obrazovne metode ići u korak s vremenom. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja ispitati obrazovne metode u vremenu četvrte industrijske revolucije u obrazovnom sustavu Koreje. Uzorkom istraživanja obuhvaćen je korejski obrazovni sustav od 1960. do danas, u kontekstu četvrte industrijske revolucije. Za analizu uzorka korišteni su pregled literature i deskriptivni pristup. Rezultati pokazuju da se u obrazovnom sustavu Koreje od 1960. do danas mogu razlikovati tri stadija: prvi je nacionalizam, potaknut od strane vlade, od 1960. do 1994. godine; drugi je liberalizam, koji je naglašavao autonomiju, od 1995. do 2015. i treći, kreativnost tijekom četvrte industrijske revolucije, od 2016. do danas. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazuju da su obrazovni stadiji nacionalizma i liberalizma još uvijek prisutni u Koreji i da obrazovne metode prošlosti, poput masovnoga obrazovanja, nisu prevladane. Četvrta industrijska revolucija zahtijeva stapanje i suradnju unutar obrazovnoga sektora, a očekuje se da personalizirani sustav učenja, koji vrednuje pojedinačne talente, iskustva i sklonosti, bude obrazovna metoda budućnosti korejskoga obrazovanja. Stoga, ovo istraživanje pokazuje da će personalizirani sustav učenja biti odlučujući čimbenik u određivanju obrazovnih metoda Koreje u periodu četvrte industrijske revolucije.

Ključne riječi: kreativnost; masovno obrazovanje; personalizirani sustav učenja; stapanje; suradnja.

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