Respect for Teachers in Relation to Student Violence against Teachers / Poštovanje prema nastavnicima u odnosu na nasilje učenika prema nastavnicima

Jelena Pavičić Vukičević, Marko Prpić, Matea Korda


Student respect for teachers is one of the important aspects of the student-teacher
relationship, which is considered an important component of the school climate.
Given the significant role of the school climate in predicting students’ violence
against teachers, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between
perceptions of students’ respect for teachers and students’ violence against teachers.
The research was conducted with two survey questionnaires intended for samples
of students and teachers, and 451 students and 102 high school teachers in the City
of Zagreb participated in the research. The perception of respect for teachers and
different forms of violence was examined by assessing participants’ agreement on
a six-point Likert-type scale (1 – strongly agree, 6 – strongly disagree). The results
indicate that students and teachers, on average, feel that students respect teachers to
a greater extent, and that they perceive different forms of violence against teachers
to a lesser extent. The correlation analysis found a statistically significant negative
association between respect for teachers and various forms of student violence
against teachers. It can be concluded that respect for teachers plays an important
role in explaining the occurrence of students’ violence against teachers.
Keywords: respect; school climate; students; teachers; violence against teachers.


Poštovanje učenika prema nastavnicima jedan je od bitnih aspekata odnosa između
učenika i nastavnika koji se smatra važnom komponentom školske klime. S obzirom
na značajnu ulogu školske klime u predviđanju nasilja učenika nad nastavnicima,
cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost percepcije poštovanja učenika prema
nastavnicima i nasilja učenika nad nastavnicima. Istraživanje je provedeno
dvama anketnim upitnicima namijenjenima uzorcima učenika i nastavnika, a
u istraživanju je sudjelovao 451 učenik te 102 nastavnika srednjih škola u Gradu
Zagrebu. Percepcija poštivanja nastavnika i različitih oblika nasilja ispitana je
procjenom slaganja sudionika na skali Likertova tipa od šest stupnjeva (1-izrazito
se slažem, 6-izrazito se ne slažem). Rezultati ukazuju na to da učenici i nastavnici
u prosjeku više smatraju da učenici poštuju nastavnike te da u manjoj mjeri
percipiraju različite oblike nasilja nad nastavnicima. Korelacijskom analizom
utvrđena je statistički značajna negativna povezanost između poštovanja
nastavnika i različitih oblika nasilja učenika nad nastavnicima. Može se zaključiti
da poštovanje nastavnika ima važnu ulogu u objašnjenju pojave nasilja učenika nad
Ključne riječi: nasilje nad nastavnicima; nastavnici; poštovanje; školska klima;

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