The Influence of Primary Teachers' Educational Models on Elements of Their Musical Competence / Refleksije obrazovnih modela učitelja razredne nastave na elemente glazbenih kompetencija

Lidija Nikolić, Gordana Ercegovac-Jagnjić, Blanka Bogunović


The aim of this research was to question the thesis about the amount of work experience not being proportional to the level of musical competences of primary school teachers, which leads to a conclusion about the necessity of high quality music education at faculties. Faculty education should provide future teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of successful music education in lower grades of primary schools. Also, it should become a basis for further education through different forms of life-long learning.In order to indicate a correspondence between the elements of teachers' musical competences and the significant differences relevant to general variables, exploratory and descriptive types of research were used. A survey was carried out among 405 teachers in lower grades of primary school. The results have confirmed the assumption that there is no increase in the level of musical competences in relation to the length of work experience. However, the differences relating to the level of education were significant. Teachers with a Bachelor’s degree seem to have better knowledge of the subject methodology and to be better at applying it in the classroom. Also, they have shown a higher level of self-evaluation abilities, thereby confirming the greater efficiency of the four-year studying model.  
Key words: education of teachers; life-long learning; musical competences; methodology of music education
Istraživanjem se željelo ispitati kako godine radnog iskustva utječu na glazbene kompetencije učitelja razredne nastave, s ciljem ukazivanja na nužnost kvalitetnoga glazbenog obrazovanja na studiju. Ono bi trebalo omogućiti stjecanje stručnih znanja i vještina kao preduvjeta kvalitetne glazbene nastave u nižim razredima općeobrazovne škole i stvaranja čvrstih temelja za usavršavanje u različitim oblicima cjeloživotnog obrazovanja. Želeći utvrditi povezanost elemenata glazbenih kompetencija učitelja i značajnost razlika u odnosu na opće varijable, provedeno je eksplorativno i deskriptivno istraživanje. Za to je oblikovan upitnik kojim je ispitano 405 učitelja zaposlenih u razrednoj nastavi. Rezultati su potvrdili kako nema povećanja  glazbenih kompetencija u odnosu na radno iskustvo, ali su razlike prisutne prema stupnju obrazovanja. Učitelji s visokom stručnom spremom pokazali su bolje poznavanje i primjenu sadržaja predmetne metodike i višu samoprocjenu te potvrdili učinkovitost tog modela studija. 
Ključne riječi: cjeloživotno obrazovanje; glazbene kompetencije; metodika glazbene kulture; obrazovanje učitelja

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