Children's Opera – Motivation for the Reception of Art in Teaching Music in Primary Education/Dječja opera – poticaj za recepciju umjetničkog djela u nastavi Glazbene kulture u primarnom obrazovanju

Tamara Jurkić Sviben, Ema Herak



Children’s opera is a work of art and although the performance of children’s opera in theater is primarily a visual experience for the young audience, music is what dominates the entire performance. It is important that, while viewing events on stage, children inadvertently receive music, which becomes part of the entire experience. Direct experience of children’s opera can be an incentive for the reception of artwork. Children’s opera offers children a unique art experience through its complex music and stage structure that unites the literary text, music, costume design, and staging. Through the reception of performance, it offers children a unique experience which has a positive effect on their formation of appreciation of culture and music. 

It is not advised to teach children’s opera in lower grades of primary school in a way where children acquire knowledge about children’s opera. Rather, students should be introduced into the world of opera through their experience of concrete children’s opera which can be achieved through reception (listening and observing). In this paper, we point to the possibility of implementing such content into the contemporary curricular context. 

Key words: children’s opera; music education, primary education. 



Dječja opera umjetničko je djelo i premda je izvedba dječje opere u kazalištu za mlađu publiku ponajprije scenski vizualni doživljaj, ipak je ono što dominira cijelom izvedbom upravo glazba. Pritom je najvažnije da djeca, prateći događanja na pozornici, nesvjesno primaju glazbu koja postaje dio njihova ukupnog doživljaja. 

Izravno doživljavanje dječje opere može biti poticaj za recepciju umjetničkog djela jer ona svojom složenom glazbeno-scenskom strukturom koja ujedinjuje književni predložak, glazbu, kostimografiju i scensko uprizorenje djeci pruža jedinstven umjetnički doživljaj koji ima pozitivan utjecaj na njihovo oblikovanje kulturnog i glazbenog ukusa.

U primarnom obrazovanju nije preporučljivo dječju operu poučavati na način stjecanja znanja o dječjoj operi, već učenike treba uvoditi u svijet opere putem njihova doživljaja konkretne dječje opere, što se može postići recepcijom (slušanjem i gledanjem), a u ovome radu ukazujemo na mogućnost implementacije toga sadržaja u suvremeni kurikulski kontekst. 

Ključne riječi: dječja opera; Glazbena kultura; primarno obrazovanje. 


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