Assessment of Quality Education in Private Secondary Schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) / Procjena kvalitete obrazovanja u privatnim srednjim školama u Khyber Pakhtunkhwi u Pakistanu
The current study evaluates the quality of education in private secondary schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). It is descriptive in nature. The study population included principals, teachers and students of private secondary schools of Kohat. All the principals of 30 private secondary schools were selected as sample whereas random sampling technique was employed for selecting the study sample of teachers and students. Three different questionnaires were framed by using a five-point Likert scale. Data were interpreted by simple percentages. The results revealed that majority of teachers of private secondary schools are professionals, yet they were not content with their pay and service structure. It was concluded that the schools follow the curriculum prescribed by Education Boards. There were scientific labs, but there was also a lack of modern and contemporary books in libraries.
Key words: facilities; private schools; qualified teachers; secondary school level.
U ovome istraživanju ispituje se kvaliteta obrazovanja u privatnim srednjim školama u KhyberPakhtunkhwi u Pakistanu. Istraživanje je deskriptivnoga karaktera. Populacija ispitanika sastojala se od ravnatelja, nastavnika i učenika privatnih srednjih škola u Kohatu. Ravnatelji svih 30 privatnih srednjih škola odabrani su za uzorak ispitanika, a tehnikom slučajnoga uzorkovanja odabran je ostatak ispitanika. Izrađena su tri različita upitnika po modelu Likertove skale od 5 stupnjeva. Podatci su interpretirani s pomoću jednostavnih postotaka. Rezultati su pokazali da je većina nastavnika privatnih srednjih škola stručna, no nisu bili zadovoljni svojom plaćom i strukturom zaposlenika u školi. Zaključak je da škole prate kurikul koji propisuje nadležni odbor. U školama postoje laboratoriji za prirodoslovne predmete, no u knjižnicama nedostaju moderna i suvremena literatura.
Ključne riječi: privatne škole; prateći objekti; kvalificirani nastavnici; srednjoškolska razina obrazovanja.
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