Comparison of the Use of Conventional and Digital Visualization Technologies in Environmental Design Education / Usporedba uporabe tradicionalnih i digitalnih tehnika vizualizacije u obrazovanju za dizajn za okoliš

Emine Tarakci Eren, Tugba Düzenli, Serap Yılmaz


The rapid advances in computer technology rendered the use of the new technologies in professional disciplines such as visual arts, design, architecture and planning, where visualization is utilized prominently i.e. is a requirement. However, applications such as using conventional design tools and graphical presentation techniques, sketching, drawing plans, sections, perspectives on paper and creating models are still used in landscape architecture, architecture, interior architecture or in departments that rely on planning. Digital technologies, on the other hand, are used as supplementary tools. The aim of the present article was to determine the methods utilized predominantly in different stages of environmental design studio in landscape architecture education and the advantages and disadvantages of the utilized conventional and digital presentation techniques, and to compare the developing visualization software. In this context, the level of satisfaction of the students with these methods were determined. The study was conducted with students in the Landscape Architecture Department attending Karadeniz Technical University (KTU). The study findings demonstrated that the satisfaction levels of architecture students with digital technologies were higher when compared to conventional methods due to the facilities and superior qualities provided by the digital technologies.
Key words: conventional and digital visualization; environmental design studio; technology; satisfaction level.
Brzi napredak računalne tehnologije omogućio je uporabu novih tehnologija u profesionalnim disciplinama kao što su likovna umjetnost, dizajn, arhitektura i prostorno planiranje u kojima se dominantno oslanjamo na vizualizaciju. Preciznije, vizualizacija je potreba. Međutim, primjena tradicionalnih alata za dizajn i za tehnike grafičkog prikazivanja, skiciranja, iscrtavanja planova, profili, perspektive na papiru i izrada modela još uvijek se koriste u arhitekturi okoliša, arhitekturi, unutarnjoj arhitekturi ili u granama koje ovise o planiranju. Digitalne tehnologije, s druge strane, koriste se kao dodatni alati. Cilj ovoga rada je odrediti koje se metode dominantno koriste u različitim fazama u studiju dizajna za okoliš u obrazovanju za arhitekturu okoliša te usporediti razvijene programe za vizualizaciju. U tom kontekstu određena je razina zadovoljstva studenata s tim metodama. Istraživanje je provedeno sa studentima s Odjela za arhitekturu okoliša pri Sveučilištu Karadeniz Technical University (KTU). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su razine zadovoljstva studenata arhitekture s digitalnim tehnologijama više u usporedbi s tradicionalnim metodama zbog uvjeta i superiorne kvalitete koju nude digitalne tehnologije.
Ključne riječi: tradicionalna i digitalna vizualizacija; studio dizajna za okoliš; tehnologija, razina zadovoljstva.

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