Developing the Reading Technique and Reading Comprehension Skills through Using the Word Drill Technique and the 3P Method/Razvijanje vještina čitanja i razumijevanja s pomoću tehnike mehaničkog ponavljanja riječi i metode 3P

Özge Erdoğan, Fatma Şenocak Kasranoğlu



This research aimed to develop the reading technique and reading comprehension skills of a student with reading difficulties through using the Word Drill Technique and the 3P Method. An action research approach was used here. The research was conducted with a female second-grade student. Reading exercises were used with her for 30 hours, based on the Word Drill Technique and the 3P Method. Due to them, it was observed that she advanced from the anxiety level to the instructional level. Her word recognition increased from 86% to 94%, while her comprehension percentage increased from 46% to 76%. In addition, the number of mistakes she made during reading diminished and she gave up finger-tracking while reading. The findings reveal that the Word Drill Technique and the 3P Method are effective in eliminating the problems of a student who does not have a mental or physical problem but has reading and comprehension problems. 

Key words: comprehension; reading; reading difficulties; Word Drill Technique; 3P Method.



Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio razviti vještine čitanja i razumijevanja kod učenice s poteškoćama u čitanju, koristeći se tehnikom mehaničkog ponavljanja riječi i metodom 3P. Provedeno je po modelu akcijskog istraživanja. U njemu je sudjelovala jedna učenica drugog razreda (D. D.). Vježbe čitanja provodile su se u trajanju od 30 sati uz pomoć tehnike mehaničkog ponavljanja riječi i metode 3P. Primijećeno je da je učenica s anksioznog prešla na čitanje uz nečiju pomoć. Njezina razina prepoznavanja riječi bila je 94 % umjesto prijašnjih 86 %, a razumijevanja 76 % umjesto 46 %. Osim toga, činila je manje pogrešaka, a odustala je i od upotrebe prsta tijekom čitanja. To pokazuje da su tehnika mehaničkog ponavljanja riječi i metoda 3P učinkovite pri otklanjanju problema kod učenice bez mentalnih ili fizičkih poteškoća, ali s poteškoćama u čitanju i razumijevanju.

Ključne riječi: čitanje; razumijevanje; poteškoće u čitanju; tehnika mehaničkog ponavljanja riječi; metoda 3P.

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