Motivation of University Senior Staff in the Process of Restructuring Higher Education Institutions/Motivacija i zaposlenici sveučilišne uprave u procesu restrukturiranja ustanova visokog obrazovanja

Mikhail Vinichenko, Andrey Kirillov, Alexander Maloletko, Elena Frolova, Marina Vinogradova



The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of institutional changes on the working environment and health of employees and student workers at the Central dean's office, as well as their motivation to deliver high quality work and fulfil their education duties. Twenty-three employees and 45 graduate students participated in the survey. The employees were given a questionnaire aimed at providing information on their attitude toward job duties, colleagues, management, staff and remuneration. Gerchikov’s (2005) methodology and Batarshev’s (2002) test were applied in the survey among students, which was aimed at identifying their human motivational profiles. These profiles should form the basis in the design of a relevant and effective system of incentives. Results obtained in the survey indicate that the creation of a learning environment is most strongly influenced by managerial qualities of employees, the level of their cooperation with students and mainly by motivation for conscientious work, career development conditions and socio-psychological climate. Authors of this research suggest developing a system of financial and tangible incentives for employees when acknowledging their contribution at work, and an active use of a number of non-monetary incentives, such as talent and career management, participation in management activities and the delegation of authority. The following correlations were identified among students: the combination of work and study duties increased the frequency of stress cases and poor health; in addition, the combination of work and study increased students’ motivation for self-organization. 

Key words: education institution; efficiency; favourable learning environment; reforms.





Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je utvrditi učinak institucionalnih promjena na radno okruženje i zdravlje zaposlenika i zaposlenih studenata u Središnjem uredu dekana i njihovu motivaciju za visokokvalitetno obavljanje zadataka i ispunjavanje obrazovnih zaduženja. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 23 djelatnika i 45 studenata na diplomskoj razini studija. Ispitanicima je podijeljen upitnik s ciljem dobivanja informacija o njihovim stavovima prema radnim zadacima, kolegama, upravi, djelatnicima i plaći. U ispitivanju studenata primijenjena je Gerchikovljeva (2005) i Batarshevljeva (2002) metodologija s ciljem otkrivanja njihovih motivacijskih profila, na kojima treba temeljiti osmišljavanje relevantnog i učinkovitog sustava poticanja. Rezultati dobiveni istraživanjem ukazuju na to da na stvaranje okruženja pogodnog za učenje najviše utječu upravljačke kvalitete djelatnika, razina njihove suradnje sa studentima, motivacija za savjestan rad, uvjeti za razvoj karijere i psiho-socijalna klima. Autori ovog istraživanja predlažu razvijanje sustava financijskih i materijalnih poticaja za djelatnike sa svrhom priznavanja njihova doprinosa na radnom mjestu, kao i aktivnu primjenu nenovčanih poticaja poput upravljanja talentima i karijerom, uključivanjem zaposlenika u upravljačke aktivnosti i podjelom nadležnosti. Među studentima su zabilježene sljedeće korelacije: kombinacija posla i studija povećava učestalost stresa i slabijeg zdravlja; kombinacija posla i studija povećava studentsku motivaciju za samoorganiziranjem. 

Ključne riječi: obrazovna ustanova; učinkovitost; poželjno obrazovno okruženje; reforme.

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