Elementary school teachers’ attitudes about difficulties in Physical Education (PE) / Stavovi razrednih učitelja o poteškoćama u provedbi nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture

Mara Šumanović, Zvonimir Tomac, Melita Košutić


The paper explored what difficulties teachers experience during PE classes while working with elementary school children. Also, the paper aimed at finding out what solutions to their problems teachers propose and what changes do they find necessary. Research was conducted with 201 elementary school teacher in the Osijek-Baranja County. For that purpose two questionnaires were designed and applied. The first questionnaire contained 11 items (Cronbachα = 0,78)  and was designed to assess the opinions of primary school teachers (1st till 4th grade) about current work conditions  as well as their own competence in kinesiology as possible causes of difficulties in implementation of the PE curriculum. The second questionnaire consisted of 8 items (Cronbachα = 0,68)  designed to asses desirable changes in work conditions and teachers’ professional competences in kinesiology. The descriptive parameters of each questionnaire were analysed. The component factor analysis was applied which extracted one factor in each questionnaire. Difficulties was the factor extracted in the first one and in the second one it was Changes. The Difficulties factor is mainly defined by items describing teachers’ professional competences in kinesiology. Majority of teachers found this factor to be an important element of currently perceived difficulties with implementation of the PE curriculum.  The Changes factor mostly contained items referring to the desired changes in appraisal as well as programming of actual PE implementation. Changes in the stated segments are recommended by two thirds of the teachers questioned. It was, therefore, possible to conclude that the difficulties in PE experienced in the lower grades stem to a larger extent from the insufficient level of teachers’ competence. Current model of programming the actual implementation of PE curriculum as well as evaluation of its effects Teachers find difficult for the reasons identified by the study and therefore demand changes.
Key words: teachers’ competences; primary school; desired changes; programming; difficulty of the subject; appraisal.
Cilj rada je bio procijeniti stavove razrednih učitelja prema poteškoćama u provedbi nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture i prijedlozima promjena. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 201 učitelja razredne nastave Osječko-baranjske županije. Konstruirana su dva upitnika. Prvi je sa 11 čestica i pouzdanosti od 0,78 (Cronbach α) procijenio stavove razrednih učitelja o uvjetima rada te kompetencijama učitelja kao mogućim uzrocima poteškoća u provedbi nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Drugi je upitnik sa 8 čestica i pouzdanosti od 0,68 (Cronbach α), procijenio poželjne promjene u uvjetima rada te kompetencijama razrednih učitelja. Analizirani su deskriptivni parametri čestica upitnika. Primijenjena je komponentna faktorska analiza.  U prvom je upitniku definiran faktor poteškoće a u drugom faktor promjene. Faktor poteškoće najviše definiraju čestice stavova za procjenu stručnih kompetencija učitelja. Većina razrednih učitelja smatraju ih važnim čimbenikom poteškoća u provedbi nastave. Faktor promjene najviše definiraju čestice stavova za procjenu poželjnih promjena u segmentu vrednovanja i programiranja nastave. Promjene u navedenim segmentima predlažu 2/3 učitelja. Rezultati ukazuju kako su poteškoće u provedbi nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u nižim razredima osnovne škole, većim dijelom, uvjetovane nedovoljnim kompetencijama razrednih učitelja, kojima je iz istih razloga način programiranja i vrednovanja nastave složen te se zahtijevaju promjene. 
Ključne riječi: kompetencije učitelja; osnovna škola; promjene; programiranje;  vrednovanje

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v18i0.2165


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