Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Gifted Students and Differences in Attitudes Regarding the Years of Teaching / Stavovi učitelja prema darovitim učenicima i razlike u stavovima s obzirom na staž

Ivana Perković Krijan, Edita Borić




Attitudes help us understand teachers’ relationship towards gifted students and they influence teachers’ practice, which can eventually determine the development of the gifted. The aim of this study was to examine the teachers' attitudes towards gifted students and some forms of work with gifted children in school, such as acceleration and ability grouping; as well as to determine whether teachers differ in their attitudes depending on the years of experience. The study was conducted on a sample of 209 class teachers in the area of Brod-Posavina county. The results showed that primary school teachers have positive attitudes towards the needs, support and social value of gifted students but express ambivalent attitudes towards the acceleration, ability grouping and concern that the special treatment of the gifted could have negative consequences. Statistically significant differences were established for certain statements among teachers depending on their years of teaching.

Key words: ability grouping; acceleration; attitudes; gifted students; primary school teachers; years of teaching





Stavovi nam pomažu u razumijevanju odnosa učitelja prema darovitim učenicima te utječu na njihovu nastavnu praksu, što u konačnici može odrediti njihov razvoj. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati stavove učitelja razredne nastave prema darovitim učenicima i nekim oblicima rada s darovitima u školi poput akceleracije i grupiranja prema sposobnostima, te utvrditi razlikuju li se učitelji u svojim stavovima s obzirom na godine radnog staža. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 209 učitelja razredne nastave s područja Brodsko-posavske županije. Rezultati su pokazali da učitelji imaju pozitivne stavove prema potrebama, podršci i društvenoj vrijednosti darovitih,  no iskazuju neutralne stavove prema akceleraciji, grupiranju prema sposobnostima i bojazni da bi poseban tretman darovitih mogao imati negativne posljedice. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike na pojedinim tvrdnjama između učitelja s najmanje radnog staža u odnosu na starije kolege. 

Ključne riječi: akceleracija; daroviti učenici; grupiranje prema sposobnostima; stavovi; staž; učitelji razredne nastave

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v17i0.1490


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