Model of Integration of Specific Early Childhood Methodics: Students' Perspectives on Their Learning in the Authentic Environments / MODEL INTEGRIRANJA POSEBNIH METODIKA ODGOJA U RANOM DJETINJSTVU: PERSPEKTIVE STUDENATA O NJIHOVOM UČENJU U AUTENTIČNIM OKR
Theoretical backgrounds for development of a university model of integrated methodical practicum (Methodics of introducing children to the natural and social environment, and Methodics of mathematical concepts formation) are learning about the holistic approach to the education of young children, as well as the pedagogical paradigm of an open preschool curricula and its co-construction. Through an analysis of data collected during this cycle within the framework of mix-method research, the paper is presented as the reflection on implementation of the integrated methodical practicum. Quantitative data indicate a shift of students' insights into their own methodical competences towards to a greater objectivity, and in a sense, restructuring of their theoretical knowledge. Qualitative analysis indicates a shift from the emotional components (especially, uncertainty and fear) by which the students were overwhelmed at the beginning of the cycle, to a greater confidence in their relationships with young children. Integration contributes to a number of positive effects on the development of general and specific methodical competence as well as on the students’ self-confidence. On the other side, it opens up new questions that need to be taken into account: primarily it refers to the issue of the gap in "connecting" theory with / and practice, and equally, to the possibilities of students’ participation in decision-making within process in the next cycle of the action research.
Key words: action research; affective and social components of learning; integrated methodical practicum situated learning; university education
Polazne teorijske osnove za razvoj sveučilišnog modela integriraranja praktične nastave posebnih metodika u ranom djetinjstvu (Metodika upoznavanja okoline i društvene sredine i Metodika formiranja matematičkih pojmova) su učenje o holističkom pristupu u odgoju djece, te pedagoška paradigma otvorenih programa predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja kao osnove su-konstrukcije kurikuluma. Prikazuje se razvoj modela kroz implementaciju i refleksiju u akcijskom istraživanju u kome se koristi mješoviti istraživački pristup. Kvantitativni podaci ukazuju na pomjeranje uvida studenata o metodičkim kompetencijama prema većoj objektivnosti i ka restrukturiranju teorijskih znanja. Kvalitativna analiza ukazuje na pomjeranje od emocionalnih komponenti (nesigurnosti i strahova) kojima su studenti bili preplavljeni na početku ciklusa, ka većem samopouzdanju u odnosima sa malom djecom. Integriranje doprinosi nizu povoljnih efekata na razvoj općih i specifičnih metodičkih kompetencija, a otvaraju se i nova pitanja koja treba uzimati u obzir u narednom periodu. Prvenstveno misli se na pitanje jaza u „povezivanju“ teorije sa praksom, te mogućnosti veće participacije studenata u odlučivanju tokom narednog ciklusa.
Ključne riječi: afektivna i socijalna komponenta učenja; akcijsko istraživanje; integrirani metodički praktikum; situaciono učenje; sveučilišna nastava.
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