Effects of Programmed Training on the Motor Skills of Female Basketball Players in School Sports Societies / Učinci programiranog treninga na motoričke sposobnosti košarkašica u školskom sportskom društvu

Marko Badrić, Ivan Prskalo, Goran Sporiš



School sports societies are organised with the goal to enable pupils to engage in their preferred sports. Also, this system is implemented in certain sports within school sports societies with the aim to facilitate better development of motor and functional abilities, and anthropometric characteristics. During training sessions of school sports societies, pupils should not be exposed to excessive training intensity. The training process should be in compliance with the principles of sports development, but also with the principles of growth and development of children and youth. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of a two-month training on the changes in motor skills in young female basketball players, members of the school sports society. The sample consisted of 10 schoolgirls, members of the school sports society at the Primary School Jabukovac. In the assessment of the effects of a two-month training, a battery of 12 tests was used to measure motor skills. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the two-month systematic training process in the school sports society consisting of three 45-minute sessions per week, along with regular PE lessons consisting of 2 lessons per week contributed to the transformational effects of motor skills in young female basketball players. The most significant transformations were observed in explosive strength, coordination and flexibility.

Key words: basketball; motor skills; school; schoolgirls; school sports 





Rad u školskim sportskim društvima zamišljen je tako da zainteresiranim učenicima omogući bavljenje odabranim sportom. Također, takav sustav rada provodi se s učenicima u određenim sekcijama školskih sportskih društava s ciljem što kvalitetnijeg razvoja motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti, kao i antropometrijskih karakteristika. Učenici u treninzima, koji se provode u školskim sportskim društvima, ne smiju biti izloženi prevelikom intenzitetu rada. Rad mora biti usklađen sa zakonitostima sportskog razvoja, ali i sa zakonitostima rasta i razvoja djece i mladih. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest utvrđivanje učinaka dvomjesečnog treninga na promjene u  motoričkim sposobnostima kod mladih košarkašica  u okviru školskog sportskog društva. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 10 učenica članica školskog sportskog društva Osnovne škole Jabukovac. Za procjenu učinaka dvomjesečnog treninga korišten je uzorak od 12 testova za mjerenje motoričkih sposobnosti. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je dvomjesečni sustavni rad u školskom sportskom društvu (3 puta tjedno po 45 minuta), zajedno s redovitom nastavom tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture (2 školska sata tjedno), pridonio transformacijskim efektima u motoričkim sposobnostima kod mladih košarkašica. Najveće promjene ostvarene su u eksplozivnoj snazi, koordinaciji i fleksibilnosti.

Ključne riječi: košarka; motoričke sposobnosti; škola; školski sport; učenice 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v17i0.1516


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