Students’ Satisfaction with Teaching Practice during Pre-service Teacher Education / Zadovoljstvo studenata praksom u nastavi u sklopu studijskog programa za obrazovanje učitelja

Tina Vršnik Perše, Milena Ivauš Grmek, Tomaž Bratina, Katja Košir



Practical teacher training has gained even greater importance in undergraduate teacher education programs since the reform of the curriculum based on the Bologna Process, even though practical teacher training has been historically strongly incorporated into these programs in Slovenia in a somewhat fragmentary manner. To gain insight into the quality and integrity of practical teacher training from the students’ perspective research on students’ perception about practical teacher training was conducted. This paper presents the results of the research on student satisfaction with practical teacher training including the analysis of the possible changes required. The paper also presents the differences between certain teacher practice forms - preformed in the process of practical teacher training and the differences among several aspects concerning teaching practice at the faculty and at the school level. Based on the analyses of the acquired data the segments that are prospective for defragmenting the faculty and school mentors’ efforts for improvement of teaching practice are outlined.

Key words: forms of teaching practice; integration; mentors; study programs.



Praksa u obrazovanju učitelja dobila je još veću važnost u preddiplomskim programima za obrazovanje učitelja za vrijeme reforme kurikula prema Bolonjskom procesu iako je praktična nastava, doduše fragmentirana, bila vrlo važan dio programa za obrazovanje učitelja u Sloveniji. Kako bismo procijenili kvalitetu i integritet praktične nastave za buduće učitelje iz perspektive studenata, proveli smo istraživanje o percepciji studenata o praktičnoj nastavi. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate zadovoljstva studenata praktičnom nastavom, dajući pri tome i analizu mogućih potrebnih promjena. Rad također prikazuje razlike između određenih oblika praktične nastave na razini fakulteta i škole. Na osnovi analiza dobivenih podataka ukazujemo na dijelove koji nagovještavaju defragmentaciju te donosimo nastojanja mentora s fakulteta i iz škola za što kvalitetnijim izvođenjem nastavne prakse. 

Ključne riječi: integracija; mentori; oblici praktične nastave; studijski programi.


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