Television Contents and Children's Free Kindergarten Play / Tv-sadržaji i slobodna igra djece u vrtiću
Despite the new media, television is the most influential electronic medium in our society. Almost every household owns a television set (further in the text: TV), and, besides in their families and educational institutions, children encounter various TV contents and advertising in shopping malls, dining establishments, healthcare institutions, etc. Using the adequately controlled and planned TV content, there can be a positive influence on children's motivation, thinking process, employment of cognitive strategies, etc. On the other hand, excessive and uncontrolled exposure to TV content can lead to a series of problems including obesity, aggressive behavior, fear, and so on. When it comes to playing, which is a synonym for learning during the preschool age, a significant influence of TV has been noticed. Apart from the fact that exposure to television reduces playtime and the acquisition of experience from the real situations, it significantly influences the course of playing as well. Characters, vocabulary, and scenes - they all have a role in children's play, even in places in which the child does not have contact with the television set. Watching and documenting children's playtime and other related activities gives us an insight into their interpretation of the content they watched, and also of the context in which the child is growing up, in which television has formed his or her experience.
Key words: electronic media, free play, preschool child, television
Unatoč novim medijima televizija je najutjecajniji elektronički medij u društvu. Gotovo svako kućanstvo posjeduje televizor, a osim u obitelji i odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama, djeca se s televizorima, raznim sadržajima i oglašavanjem susreću u trgovačkim centrima, uslužnim objektima, zdravstvenim ustanovama itd. Adekvatnom, kontroliranom i planiranom upotrebom tv-sadržaja može se pozitivno utjecati na motivaciju djece, razmišljanje, upotrebu kognitivnih strategija. Suprotno tome, pretjerana i nekontrolirana izloženost može dovesti do pojave niza problema, od gojaznosti, agresivnog ponašanja, straha isl. Kada je u pitanju igra, kao sinonim za učenje u rano i predškolsko doba zamijećeni su značajni utjecaji televizije. Osim što izloženost televiziji skraćuje vrijeme za igru i stjecanje iskustva iz stvarnih situacija, uvelike utječe i na sam tijek igre. Likovi, rječnik, scene – sve to znatno oblikuje dječju igru, čak i u prostoru u kojem dijete nema doticaja s televizorom. Promatranje i dokumentiranje dječje igre i ostalih popratnih sadžaja daje nam uvid u dječje poimanje gledanog sadržaja, ali i kontekst u kojem dijete odrasta, u kojem televizija oblikuje njegovo iskustvo.
Ključne riječi: elektronički mediji; slobodna igra; predškolsko dijete; televizija
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