Identifying the Features of ”Aesthetic Flow Experience Activities” in the Kindergarten and the First Years of Primary School Education/Utvrđivanje karakteristika estetskih aktivnosti zanesenosti u vrtiću i prvom razredu osnovne škole

Marina Sotiropoulou-Zormpala, Agathi Argyriadi



The aim of this paper was to outline school activities which, when used, would encourage students to actively engage in the teaching process. The theoretical underpinnings of the activities included two approaches: the theory of flow, and that of aesthetic experience. These two fields were chosen as a fertile area for identifying situations in which individuals voluntarily engage in a process from which they derive meaningful experiences. More particularly, studies providing information on using flow and aesthetic activities in school were considered here. Then, by combining flow and aesthetic activities for school, a list of qualities was compiled to make up what could be called “aesthetic flow activities for school”. Finally, indicative examples of such activities were provided for preschool children and children in the first grade of primary school. 

Key words: aesthetics; arts; education; flow. 



Cilj je ovog rada istaknuti aktivnosti koje će, kada se koriste u školi, potaknuti učenike na aktivno sudjelovanje u nastavnom procesu. Temelje se na dvjema teorijama - zanesenosti i estetskog iskustva. One su odabrane kao plodno tlo za otkrivanje situacija u kojima pojedinci dragovoljno sudjeluju u jednom procesu u kojem stječu smislena iskustva. Specifično gledano, razmatrana su istraživanja s pomoću kojih se dolazi do podataka o primjeni aktivnosti zanesenosti i estetskih aktivnosti u školi. Zatim se, kombiniranjem karakteristika obiju vrsta aktivnosti, predlažu zajedničke karakteristike onoga što bi se moglo nazvati estetskim aktivnostima zanesenosti za školu“. Na kraju se navode indikativni primjeri aktivnosti namijenjenih predškolskoj djeci i učenicima prvog razreda osnovne škole. 

Ključne riječi: edukacija; estetika; umjetnost; zanesenost.

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