The Impact of Selected Contextual Factors on the Teachers’ Perception of the Achievement of Goals and Objectives in Teaching Technical Culture/Utjecaj odabranih kontekstualnih čimbenika na nastavnikovu percepciju ostvarenosti ciljeva i zadaća nastave tehn
The aim of this research was to identify and explain the impact of selected contextual factors on the teachers’ perception of the achievement of goals and objectives in teaching technical culture in Croatian elementary school, as basic technical education teaching. In accordance with the research goal, a representative sample of teachers of Technical Education was used (N=382), and data were collected in a questionnaire specially developed for this study. In this connection multiple regression analysis with forward algorithm selection of variables in the model was used, with the teachers’ perception of the achievement of teaching goals and objectives as the criterion variable, and a set of predictors consisted of selected curricular, extracurricular and empirical teacher’s contextual factors of education. Although the result has shown a relatively low correlation between the criterion variable and a set of predictors, it is statistically significant (p<0.000). Research results unambiguously identify school equipment consisting of necessary tools and machinery as an important factor of influence on the teachers’ perception of the achievement of goals and objectives of teaching technical culture. In the end, this factor can be considered extremely important for successful teaching of technical culture, and its meaning must be taken into account in future studies on the impact of context on the effectiveness of technical education.
Key words: contextual factors; teachers’ perception; teaching goal; teaching objective; technical culture; technical education.
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi i objasniti utjecaj određenih kontekstualnih čimbenika na nastavnikovu percepciju ostvarenosti ciljeva i zadaća u nastavi Tehničke kulture u osnovnoj školi, kao nastavi temeljne edukacije tehnike. U skladu s ciljem istraživanja upotrijebljen je reprezentativni uzorak učitelja Tehničke kulture (N=382), a podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom, posebno izrađenim za ovo istraživanje. Provedena je višestruka regresijska analiza s forward algoritmom selekcije varijabli u model, pri čemu je kriterijska varijabla bila nastavnikova percepcija ostvarenosti ciljeva i zadaća nastave, a skup prediktora činili su odabrani školski, izvanškolski i iskustveni nastavnikovi kontekstualni čimbenici nastave. Iako je dobivena relativno mala povezanost kriterijske varijable i skupa prediktora, ona je statistički značajna (p<0.000). Rezultati istraživanja nedvosmisleno identificiraju opremljenost škole neophodnim alatima i strojevima kao važnim čimbenikom utjecaja na nastavnikovu percepciju ostvarenosti ciljeva i zadaća nastave Tehničke kulture. Taj čimbenik može se smatrati izrazito važnim za uspješnu nastavu Tehničke kulture, pa njegovo značenje nužno treba uzeti u obzir pri budućim istraživanjima utjecaja konteksta na učinkovitost edukacije tehnike.
Ključne riječi: ciljevi nastave; edukacija tehnike; kontekstualni čimbenici; nastavnikova percepcija; tehnička kultura; zadaće nastave.
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