Teaching about Architecture and Urbanism in Elementary School / Poučavanje o arhitekturi i urbanizmu u osnovnoj školi

Gordana Košćec, Ida Loher, Martina Kosec


Comparing the curricula of various teaching areas, our goal was to provide an overview of the existing themes and concepts related to architecture and urbanism being taught, as well as the context in which students are introduced to them. Also, we were interested in the outcome of the existing approach to these topics, i.e., we wanted to find out what knowledge and competences were acquired by students.
Key words: space; teaching area; education system; school curricula; competence


Uspoređujući kurikule različitih područja poučavanja, naš cilj bio je dati prikaz postojećih tema i koncepata koje se odnose na arhitekturu i urbanizam, kao i kontekst u kojem se učenici upoznaju s temama. Također su nas zanimali rezultati postojećih pristupa tim temama, npr. koje su kompetencije i znanja učenici usvojili.
Ključne riječi: kompetencije; obrazovni prostor; prostor; prostor za poučavanje; školski kurikul

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v15i0.619


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