TeachingAgency in Preschool Children in the Montenegrin Context/Odgoj za inicijativnost djece predškolske dobi u crnogorskom kontekstu

Sanja Čalović Nenezić, Milica Jelic


In this study, we have tried to map the pedagogical influences in the preschool
context which encourage the development of agency in preschool children. In the
methodological part of this paper, we present the qualitative research we carried out in
educational units in the three regions of Montenegro. Besides systematic observations
(the sample was made up of 8 preschool teachers and 114 children), our study also
includes conducting focus group interviews with preschool teachers (the sample
was made up of 101 preschool teachers). We used the ATLAS.ti software to analyze
and prepare the produced results. This type of research has not been conducted
in Montenegro before. We researched all three regions of Montenegro (Northern,
Southern, and Central). In this way, we obtained a sample that can be considered
as a representative one. The significance of its timing is evident in preschools, as
well as in peer interactions and the environment in which children spend their time.
Preschools in Montenegro operate according to a structured daily regime, especially in
larger groups (Central region), and there is no space left for children to use materials
or research them, nor is there enough open space for children’s implicit learning. The
greatest barrier to their undisturbed work and even the encouragement and expression
of the agency is to be found in the fact that the educational groups are too large.
Therefore, the standardization and reduction of the number of children in educational
groups are definitely recommended to improve the children’s work and education.
Key words: Children’s Agency; Education; Environment; Preschool; Preschool teacher


Ovom studijom nastojale smo istražiti pedagoške utjecaje u kontekstu predškolske
ustanove koji potiču razvoj inicijativnosti djece predškolske dobi. U metodološkom
dijelu rada predstavile smo kvalitativno istraživanje koje je provedeno u predškolskim
ustanovama u trima regijama Crne Gore. Uz sustavno promatranje (na uzorku od
8 odgojitelja i 114 djece) studija obuhvaća i fokus-grupe s odgojiteljima (uzorak od
101 odgojitelja). Za analizu i pripremu dobivenih nalaza korišten je softver Atlas.ti.
Istraživanja toga tipa do sada se u Crnoj Gori nisu provodila. Istraživanje je provedeno
u svim trima regije Crne Gore (Sjeverna, Južna i Centralna) i tako je dobiven uzorak
koji možemo smatrati reprezentativnim. Očita je važnost vremenskoga određenja
rada u predškolskim ustanovama, vršnjačkih interakcija, kao i okružja u kojem
djeca borave. Budući da se u predškolskim ustanovama u Crnoj Gori radi prema
strukturiranom dnevnom rasporedu, osobito u većim skupinama (Centralna regija),
nije ostavljeno dovoljno prostora za dječje manipuliranje materijalima ili za njihovo
istraživanje, a ne otvara se ni dovoljno mjesta za dječje implicitno učenje. Najveći
su problem za nesmetan rad pa i poticanje i izražavanje inicijativnosti prekobrojne
odgojne skupine. Stoga se preporučuje ujednačenje i smanjenje broja djece u odgojnim
skupinama da bi se poboljšao i unaprijedio i cjelokupan rad i odgajanje djece.
Ključne riječi: dječija inicijativnost; odgoj; odgojitelj; okruženje; vrtić.

Full Text:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v26i2.5169


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