Contact with Persons with Hearing Impairments as a Correlate of Children’s and Adults’ Attitudes towards These Persons / Kontakt s osobama s oštećenjem sluha kao veza između stavova djece i odraslih prema takvim osobama
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between children's and adults' contact with persons with hearing impairments and their attitudes towards these persons. The sample included children aged 10 (N = 100) and their parents (N= 192). We compared the attitudes of subjects who live near a residential school for deaf pupils and because of that are in frequent contact with them, with the attitudes of subjects who do not live near an institution for deaf pupils. The results show that subjects who have more contact with hearing impaired persons have more tolerant attitudes towards them. The results are in line with the findings of previous studies on this issue.
Key words: inclusion; persons with disabilities; social attitudes.
Cilj istraživanja je ispitati vezu između kontakta koji djeca i odrasli imaju s osobama s oštećenjem sluha i njihova stava prema tim osobama. Uzorak se sastojao od djece u dobi od 10 godina (100 djece) i njihovih roditelja (192 roditelja). Stavove ispitanika koji žive blizu škole koju pohađaju gluhi učenici i zbog toga su u čestome kontaktu s njima usporedili smo sa stavovima ispitanika koji ne žive blizu ustanove za gluhe učenike. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitanici koji imaju više kontakata s osobama s oštećenjem sluha imaju uvelike tolerantniji stav prema njima. Rezultati su u skladu s rezultatima prijašnjih istraživanja o toj temi.
Ključne riječi: inkluzija; osobe s invaliditetom; stavovi društva.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between children's and adults' contact with persons with hearing impairments and their attitudes towards these persons. The sample included children aged 10 (N = 100) and their parents (N= 192). We compared the attitudes of subjects who live near a residential school for deaf pupils and because of that are in frequent contact with them, with the attitudes of subjects who do not live near an institution for deaf pupils. The results show that subjects who have more contact with hearing impaired persons have more tolerant attitudes towards them. The results are in line with the findings of previous studies on this issue.
Key words: inclusion; persons with disabilities; social attitudes.
Cilj istraživanja je ispitati vezu između kontakta koji djeca i odrasli imaju s osobama s oštećenjem sluha i njihova stava prema tim osobama. Uzorak se sastojao od djece u dobi od 10 godina (100 djece) i njihovih roditelja (192 roditelja). Stavove ispitanika koji žive blizu škole koju pohađaju gluhi učenici i zbog toga su u čestome kontaktu s njima usporedili smo sa stavovima ispitanika koji ne žive blizu ustanove za gluhe učenike. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitanici koji imaju više kontakata s osobama s oštećenjem sluha imaju uvelike tolerantniji stav prema njima. Rezultati su u skladu s rezultatima prijašnjih istraživanja o toj temi.
Ključne riječi: inkluzija; osobe s invaliditetom; stavovi društva.
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