A Model to Measure University Students’ Learning Efficacy and Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic/Model mjerenja učinkovitosti učenja i zadovoljstva studenata tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19

José M. Ramírez-Hurtado, Esteban Vázquez-Cano, Víctor E. Pérez-León, Alfredo G. Hernández-Díaz


The aim of this research was to assess the learning efficacy and level of satisfaction
of university students as they adapted to the online teaching model amid the
restrictions imposed as a result of COVID-19. The sample consisted of 467 students
attending a public University of Spain. The study applied a structural equations
methodology with a triangulated approach. The results show that the most
influential factor in student online learning satisfaction is teacher-student
interaction. On the other hand, student learning efficacy mainly depends on their
attitude towards the use of technology; this makes it essential to understand which
elements of the online learning system facilitate and incentivize the creation of a
good learning environment. Moreover, the design quality of the system and the tools
that make it function, and how they link to content and competences, all directly
influence perceived ease-of-use and student satisfaction with online teaching.
Key words: COVID-19; e-learning; satisfaction; structural equations; university.


Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinkovitost učenja i razinu zadovoljstva
studenata tijekom privikavanja na online nastavu uslijed ograničenja nametnutih
zbog pandemije bolesti COVID-19. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 467 studenata
državnoga sveučilišta u Španjolskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena metodologija
strukturnih jednadžbi i pristup triangulacije. Rezultati pokazuju da je najutjecajniji
faktor zadovoljstva učenjem u online okružju interakcija između studenta i
nastavnika. S druge strane, učinkovitost učenja najviše ovisi o njihovim stavovima
prema korištenju tehnologije. Zbog toga je nužno razumjeti koji elementi učenja
u online okružju pomažu i potiču stvaranje dobroga okružja za učenje. Štoviše,
kvaliteta dizajna sustava, alati koji im omogućuju rad te kako se oni povezuju sa
sadržajem i kompetencijama zajedno izravno utječu na percepciju lakoće korištenja
i na zadovoljstvo studenata online nastavom.
Ključne riječi: COVID-19; e-učenje; strukturne jednadžbe; sveučilište.

Full Text:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v25i4.4334


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