The Мethodical Model of Teaching Songs by Ear and Its Effects on the Development of Students' Vocal Abilities
The purpose of this paper was to verify the studied phenomenon (application of the vocal warm up exercises model, as well as the designed and planned methodical approach to learning songs by ear) by using an experiment with parallel groups. The subject of this study was to determine whether it was possible to influence the quality of singing and develop the vocal skills of younger school age students by implementing a planned and directed methodical approach to learning songs by ear. In order to check the effects of the implementation of the methodical model, the SAVS instrument (Scale for the Assessment of Vocal Skills, Jeremić, 2011, p. 281) was used, subtests I, II, III, IV and V (with equivalent forms for the initial and final assessment). In the comparison of groups in relation to vocal skills, a general linear model was used, and in particular a multivariate analysis of covariance with repeated measures (MANCOVA with repeated measures). The sample of this research consisted of second grade students of elementary schools in Sombor and Kikinda, Serbia. The tests of within subject effects showed that the two groups differed in their level of vocal skills, when the average of the two measurements was observed F (1) =11.424, p=.001.
Key words: methods; music education; singing; younger school age pupils.
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