Internal Motivation and Students’ Knowledge of Math / Unutrašnja motivacija i znanje učenika iz matematike

Marina Zubac, Dragica Milinković, Olivera Marković


The aim of this research is to determine whether teaching mathematics in an interesting way has an effect between on increasing motivation and success of high school students. With this purpose, experimental research was carried out with comparative groups in high schools in Čitluk, Ljubuški and Mostar on a sample of 300 students. Students of the experimental group worked under interesting teaching methods and forms of work, while the control group worked in a traditional way. The survey questionnaire and the test of knowledge served as measuring instruments. Testing was performed at the beginning and at the end of the study. Internal motivation testing was carried out through a Likert-type scale while testing the statistical significance of differences was measured using the mixed ANOVA model 2x2 and t- test. The results show a better effect of interesting teaching on the success of students, as well as an increase in students' motivation to learn mathematics. Therefore, it is recommended to apply interesting methods in teaching mathematics.

Key words: education; learning; modern methods; teaching.




Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li povezanost zanimljive nastave Matematike i povećanja motivacije i uspjeha učenika srednjih škola. S tom je svrhom provedeno eksperimentalno istraživanje s usporednim skupinama u srednjim školama u Čitluku, Ljubuškom i Mostaru na uzorku od 300 učenika. U radu s učenicima eksperimentalne skupine primjenjene su zanimljive nastavne metode i oblici rada, dok je kontrolna skupina radila na tradicionalan način. Kao mjerne instrumente koristili smo anketni upitnik i test znanja. Testiranje smo proveli na početku i na kraju istraživanja. Ispitivanje unutarnje motivacije izvršeno je putem skale Likertova tipa, a testiranje statističke značajnosti razlika pomoću Anove mixed model 2 x 2 i t-testa. Rezultati pokazuju bolji učinak zanimljive nastave na uspjeh učenika, kao i na povećanje motivacije učenika za učenje matematike. Zbog toga se preporučuje primjena zanimljivih načina rada u nastavi Matematike.

Ključne riječi: nastava; obrazovanje; suvremene metode; učenje

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