New Approaches to Computer Assisted Instruction of Probability Topic with the Help of Buffon’s Problem / Novi pristupi računalno potpomognutom podučavanju teme vjerojatnosti s pomoću Buffonova problema
In Russia, the topic of ‘probability’ is not included in the elementary schools’ syllabi. However, as Russia entered the process of Bologna Education, the Russian Ministry of Education has recently started planning the introduction of some changes into the system of education. The principal aim of these changes is to teach the topic of ‘probability’ in the elementary schools in Russia. The topic is included in the 8th grade syllabi in the Turkish educational system. In this context, the subject, which is included into some schools’ syllabi, has been taught for one year in Russia. The aim of this research is to show that in the Russian and Turkish educational systems this subject will be more efficiently taught with computer assisted systems when compared to the instruction carried out by means of traditional methods. In order to analyze the topic, a solution of Buffon’s needle problem is attempted in the ‘Reno Simulation’ program. This simulation program is chosen because it includes the subject of probability. The program also eases the analysis of the subject of probability. Additionally, it may be suggested that Reno program is, in a way, a simulation tool for geometric probability events and presents a strong and flexible platform for simulation procedures. The program has example concepts; these concepts can be used as the bases, different scenarios can be built on these bases and these models’ simulations can easily be presented in combinations with their algorithms. For the experiment, Buffon’s needle problem is chosen from the set of examples on the probability topic available in the “Reno Simulation” program. At the end of the experiment, it is determined that the instruction of computer assisted probability topic with the help of Buffon’s needle problem is more efficient than the instruction by means of traditional methods; additionally both Russian and Turkish pupils’ behaviors are positively developed with computer assisted instruction.
Key words: computer-assisted instruction; elementary education; mathematics education; probability.
Tema 'vjerojatnosti' nije uključena u osnovnoškolske silabe u Rusiji. No, kako se u Rusiji nedavno započeo provoditi bolonjski proces, rusko Ministarstvo znanosti planira uvesti određene promjene u obrazovni sustav. Temeljni cilj takvih promjena jest podučavanje teme 'vjerojatnosti' u osnovnim školama u Rusiji. Ta je tema uključena u silabe osmih razreda u turskom edukacijskom sustavu. U Rusiji se taj predmet, koji je uključen u silabe nekih škola, podučava jednu godinu. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja pokazati da će se taj predmet učinkovitije podučavati u ruskom i turskom obrazovnom sustavu ako se koristi računalno potpomognut sustav za razliku od podučavanja tradicionalnim metodama. Kako bi se ta tema analizirala, pokušalo se riješiti problem Buffonove igle u 'Reno Simulation' programu. Taj je simulacijski program izabran zbog toga što sadrži predmet vjerojatnosti. Program također olakšava analizu predmeta vjerojatnosti. Osim toga, može se reći da je Reno program, na neki način, simulacijski alat za događaje geometrijske vjerojatnosti te da predstavlja čvrstu i fleksibilnu platformu za simulacijske procedure. Program sadrži koncepte oprimjeravanja koji se mogu upotrijebiti kao temelji na kojima se mogu izgraditi različiti scenariji, a simulacije tih modela mogu se lako prikazati u kombinaciji s njihovim algoritmima. Za eksperiment je iz skupine primjera predmeta vjerojatnosti u „Reno Simulation“ programu izabran problem Buffonove igle. Po završetku eksperimenta utvrđeno je da je računalno potpomognuto podučavanje teme vjerojatnosti s pomoću problema Buffonove igle učinkovitije od podučavanja tradicionalnim metodama. Uz pomoć računalno potpomognutog podučavanja ponašanje ruskih i turskih učenika bilo je pozitivno razvijeno.
Ključne riječi: računalno potpomognuto podučavanje; osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje; matematika u obrazovanju; vjerojatnost
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