Classroom Quality in Final Grades of Lower Secondary Education: Demographic Differences and Relationship with Target Learning Orientations / Kvaliteta nastave u završnim razredima nižeg sekundarnog obrazovanja: demografske razlike i povezanost s ciljnim

Marina Đuranović


The goal of the research was to examine the features of classroom quality concerning gender, grade and general academic record, and the connection with target orientations in learning among students in the final grades of primary school (lower secondary education, ISED level 2). Seventh- and eighth-grade students (N=512) from Split-Dalmatia County and the City of Zagreb participated in the research. The questionnaire was used to collect demographic data (gender, grade and final academic record). For data regarding self-assessment of classroom quality, we used the Student Perception of Classroom Quality Questionnaire – SPOCQ. Data about target orientations was collected through the Components of Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire – CRSL. The given results show that students, regardless of age, gender or general academic record, mostly perceive classes as average on all quality dimensions and are inclined to all three learning orientations somewhat above average. Furthermore, aspects of classroom quality were shown as the most significant predictors of all individual target orientations in learning, considering the fact that almost one third of the learning orientation is explained with classroom quality, but very little is directed to performance or avoiding effort. 
Key words: classroom quality; primary school; students; target orientations. 
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati obilježja kvalitete nastave s obzirom na spol, razred i opći školski uspjeh te povezanost s ciljnim orijentacijama u učenju kod učenika završnih razreda osnovne škole (niže sekundarno obrazovanje, ISCED razina 2). U istraživanju su sudjelovali učenici sedmih i osmih razreda (N = 512) osnovnih škola Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i Grada Zagreba. Upitnikom su prikupljeni demografski podatci (spol, razred i završni uspjeh), a za podatke o samoprocjeni kvalitete nastave koristio se Upitnik učeničke percepcije kvalitete nastave (engl. Student perception of classroom quality - SPOCQ). Podaci o ciljnim orijentacijama u učenju prikupljeni su Upitnikom ciljnih orijentacija (Components of Self-regulated Learning – CSRL). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da učenici, bez obzira na dob, spol i opći uspjeh, uglavnom percipiraju nastavu prosječnom prema svim dimenzija kvalitete te da su blago iznadprosječno skloni svim trima orijentacijama učenja. Nadalje, kao najznačajniji prediktori sve pojedine ciljne orijentacije u učenju pokazali su se aspekti kvalitete nastave, s time da se kvalitetom nastave objašnjava gotovo trećina orijentacije na učenje, ali veoma malo orijentacije usmjerene na izvedbu i izbjegavanje truda.     
Ključne riječi: ciljne orijentacije; kvaliteta nastave; osnovna škola; učenici

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