Kinesiology and Sustainable Development / Kineziologija i održivi razvoj
The United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000), defining achievable goals directed towards sustainable development until 2015, includes the following: 1) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, 2) To achieve universal primary education, that is to ensure access to education for all, 3) To promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, 4) To decrease the mortality rate of newborns and children, 5) To improve mothers’ health, 6) To fight against HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases, 7) To ensure environmental sustainability, and 8) To develop global partnership, i.e. co-operation for the purpose of development as a strategic commitment planned until 2015. The current global goals are: 1) World without poverty, 2) World without hunger, 3) Health and well-being, 4) Quality education, 5) Gender equality, 6) Clean water and sanitation, 7) Affordable and clean energy, 8) Decent work and economic growth, 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 10) Reduced inequalities, 11) Sustainable cities and communities, 12) Responsible consumption and production, 13) Climate protection, 14) Preservation of life below water, 15) Preservation of life on land, 16) Peace, justice and strong institutions, and 17) Strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development. These goals are the guiding principles of today’s globalized world. The issues associated with sustainable development are not exclusively related to a single scientific area or one group of scientific disciplines. The universal issues presented through the millennium and global goals are also the issues dealt with by kinesiology and all its applied sciences. Particular focus is on the issues pertaining to the formation of environmental awareness connected with a positive attitude toward health benefits of physical exercise. Kinesiology contents, aside from health benefits, the impact on the quality of education, and confirmed economic values are not in collision with other proclaimed goals of sustainable development, which is the only option that guarantees survival.
Key words: globalization; kinesiology; millennium goals; sustainable development.
The United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000), defining achievable goals directed towards sustainable development until 2015, includes the following: 1) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, 2) To achieve universal primary education, that is to ensure access to education for all, 3) To promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, 4) To decrease the mortality rate of newborns and children, 5) To improve mothers’ health, 6) To fight against HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases, 7) To ensure environmental sustainability, and 8) To develop global partnership, i.e. co-operation for the purpose of development as a strategic commitment planned until 2015. The current global goals are: 1) World without poverty, 2) World without hunger, 3) Health and well-being, 4) Quality education, 5) Gender equality, 6) Clean water and sanitation, 7) Affordable and clean energy, 8) Decent work and economic growth, 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 10) Reduced inequalities, 11) Sustainable cities and communities, 12) Responsible consumption and production, 13) Climate protection, 14) Preservation of life below water, 15) Preservation of life on land, 16) Peace, justice and strong institutions, and 17) Strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development. These goals are the guiding principles of today’s globalized world. The issues associated with sustainable development are not exclusively related to a single scientific area or one group of scientific disciplines. The universal issues presented through the millennium and global goals are also the issues dealt with by kinesiology and all its applied sciences. Particular focus is on the issues pertaining to the formation of environmental awareness connected with a positive attitude toward health benefits of physical exercise. Kinesiology contents, aside from health benefits, the impact on the quality of education, and confirmed economic values are not in collision with other proclaimed goals of sustainable development, which is the only option that guarantees survival.
Key words: globalization; kinesiology; millennium goals; sustainable development.
The United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000), defining achievable goals directed towards sustainable development until 2015, includes the following: 1) To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, 2) To achieve universal primary education, that is to ensure access to education for all, 3) To promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, 4) To decrease the mortality rate of newborns and children, 5) To improve mothers’ health, 6) To fight against HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases, 7) To ensure environmental sustainability, and 8) To develop global partnership, i.e. co-operation for the purpose of development as a strategic commitment planned until 2015. The current global goals are: 1) World without poverty, 2) World without hunger, 3) Health and well-being, 4) Quality education, 5) Gender equality, 6) Clean water and sanitation, 7) Affordable and clean energy, 8) Decent work and economic growth, 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 10) Reduced inequalities, 11) Sustainable cities and communities, 12) Responsible consumption and production, 13) Climate protection, 14) Preservation of life below water, 15) Preservation of life on land, 16) Peace, justice and strong institutions, and 17) Strengthening the global partnership for sustainable development. These goals are the guiding principles of today’s globalized world. The issues associated with sustainable development are not exclusively related to a single scientific area or one group of scientific disciplines. The universal issues presented through the millennium and global goals are also the issues dealt with by kinesiology and all its applied sciences. Particular focus is on the issues pertaining to the formation of environmental awareness connected with a positive attitude toward health benefits of physical exercise. Kinesiology contents, aside from health benefits, the impact on the quality of education, and confirmed economic values are not in collision with other proclaimed goals of sustainable development, which is the only option that guarantees survival.
Key words: globalization; kinesiology; millennium goals; sustainable development.
U Milenijskoj deklaraciji Ujedinjenih naroda s ostvarivim ciljevima usmjerenim prema održivu razvoju do 2015. godine ističe se: 1) Iskorijeniti ekstremno siromaštvo i glad, 2) Postići univerzalno osnovno obrazovanje, odnosno jamstvo obrazovanja za sve, 3) Promovirati ravnopravnost spolova i osnažiti žene, 4) Smanjiti stopu smrtnosti novorođenčadi i djece, 5) Poboljšati zdravlje majki, 6) Boriti se protiv HIV/AIDS-a, tuberkuloze, malarije i drugih bolesti, 7) Osigurati održivost okoliša i 8) Razviti globalno partnerstvo, odnosno suradnju za razvoj, što je strateško opredjeljenje do 2015. godine. Danas su aktualni globaln ciljevi: 1) Svijet bez siromaštva, 2) Svijet bez gladi, 3) Zdravlje i blagostanje, 4) Kvalitetno obrazovanje, 5) Rodna ravnopravnost, 6) Čista voda i sanitarni uvjeti, 7) Pristupačna energija iz čistih izvora, 8) Dostojanstven rad i ekonomski rast, 9) Industrija, inovacije i infrastruktura, 10) Smanjenje nejednakosti, 11) Održivi gradovi i zajednice, 12) Odgovorna potrošnja i proizvodnja, 13) Zaštita klime, 14) Očuvanje vodenog svijeta, 15) Očuvanje života na Zemlji, 16) Mir, pravda i snažne institucije i 17) Učvršćenje globalnog partnerstva za održivi razvoj. Ti ciljevi vodilja su današnjeg globaliziranog svijeta. Problemi održiva razvoja nisu ekskluzivno povezani samo s jednim znanstvenim područjem i jednom grupacijom znanstvenih disciplina. Univezalna problematika sadržana u milenijskim i globalnim ciljevima problematika je i kineziologije i svih njezinih primijenjenih područja. Posebno se ističe problematika formiranja ekološke svijesti povezane s pozitivnim stavom prema zdravstvenim vrijednostima tjelesnog vježbanja. Kineziološki sadržaji osim zdravstvenih vrijednosti, utjecaja na kvalitetu obrazovanja, potvrđene ekonomske vrijednosti nisu u koliziji s ostalim proklamiranim ciljevima održiva razvoja, jedinog jamca opstanka.
Ključne riječi: globalizacija, milenijski ciljevi, kineziologija, održivi razvoj.
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