The Role of Early Childhood Education in Developing Social Competence of Roma Children / Uloga ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u razvoju socijalne kompetencije romske djece

Adrijana Višnjić Jevtić, Goran Lapat, Matea Galinec


This research is based on the assumption that the social competences acquired in early childhood serve as a prerequisite for a successful social interaction during primary education. This type of competence can be a challenge for children who come from marginalized groups that are very often isolated within the society.

 The aim of the research was to determine whether a longer stay in the institution of early childhood and preschool education contributes to a higher development of social competences of Roma children. The research was conducted with primary school teachers evaluating the social competences of sixty Roma children in the second grade. Subsamples consisted of thirty children who had been included in the early childhood and preschool education system for two years, and thirty children who had been included in the system for one year. The results indicate that the participants do not exhibit those behaviours that point to social competence frequently enough. The research results do not indicate a statistically significant correlation between the children’s social competence and their length of stay in an institution of early childhood and preschool education. A disadvantage of this research is that it is based on a subjective assessment.

Key words: children; deprived environment; institutions of early childhood and preschool education; marginalized groups; social functioning.


Istraživanje se temelji na pretpostavci da socijalna kompetencija stečena u ranom djetinjstvu služi kao preduvjet uspješnih društvenih interakcija tijekom osnovnog obrazovanja. Ta vrsta kompetencije može biti izazov za djecu koja dolaze iz marginaliziranih skupina koje su vrlo često izolirane unutar društva.

            Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost duljine boravka u ustanovi ranog i predškolskog odgoja i razvoja socijalnih kompetencija romske djece. Istraživanje je provedeno s učiteljima osnovnih škola koji su procjenjivali socijalnu kompetenciju šezdeset romske djece u drugom razredu. Poduzorci su uključivali tridesetero djece koja su bila uključena u sustav ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja dvije godine i tridesetero djece koja su bila uključena u sustav ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja godinu dana. Rezultati upućuju na to da sudionici često ne pokazuju ona ponašanja koja upućuju na socijalnu kompetenciju. Rezultati istraživanja ne ukazuju na statistički značajnu povezanost između socijalne kompetencije djece i njihove dužine boravka u ustanovi ranog i predškolskog odgoja.

Ključne riječi: deprivirano okruženje; djeca; marginalizirane skupine; socijalno funkcioniranje; ustanove ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. 

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