Contribution of The Evaluation and Self-Evaluation Processes to the Efforts of School Management in the Implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development Concept in Schools / Doprinos procesa vrednovanja i samovrednovanja radu školskog menadžmen

Dunja - Anđić


This paper deals with the issue of school management and the processes of evaluation and self-evaluation with regard to the implementation of the education for sustainable development concept in schools. The theoretical part of the paper gives an overview of the basic issues related to the terms, and shows the significance of the efforts of school management for the development of holistic approaches in the implementation of the education for sustainable development concept in schools. The research was conducted in 40 primary schools on the sample of 740 primary school employees. Regression analysis was used to determine the number and type of evaluation/self-evaluation processes that contributed to the effort/activities of school management with regard to the implementation of the concept in schools. The results indicated that the evaluation and self-evaluation processes in schools accounted for 52% of the efforts/activity of school management in the implementation of the education for sustainable development concept in schools. However, there was also an indication of insufficiently developed processes which could contribute to a more significant development of the work of school management, to a holistic development of the education for sustainable development concept in schools, and to the reform of schools as future sustainable communities.
Key words: school management and leadership; sustainable schools; teachers.
Rad se bavi problematikom školskog menadžmenta i procesa vrednovanja i samovrednovanja u implementaciji koncepta odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj u školama. U teorijskom dijelu prikazuju se temeljne odrednice pojmova te značaj rada školskog menadžmenta u razvijanju holističkih pristupa u implementaciji koncepta odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj u škole. Istraživanje je provedeno u 40 osnovnih škola i uključivalo je 740 ispitanika. Provedena je regresijska analiza s ciljem traženja odgovora koliko i koji procesi vrednovanja i samovrednovanja pridonose radu/aktivnostima školskog menadžmenta u implementaciji koncepta odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj u školama. Rezultati su ukazali da procesi vrednovanja i samovrednovanja u školama objašnjavaju čak 52% aktivnosti/rada školskog menadžmenta u implementaciji koncepta odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj u školama. Međutim, ukazali su i na nedostatno razvijene procese kojima bi se rad školskog menadžmenta mogao značajnije razvijati, doprinositi holističkom razvoju koncepta odgoja i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj u školama, ali i reformi škole kao buduće održive zajednice.
Ključne riječi: održive škole; školski menadžment i vođenje; učitelji

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