Estimate of Implementation of Educational Inclusion by Primary School Teachers and High School Teachers /Procjena provedbe odgojno-obrazovne inkluzivne prakse učitelja i nastavnika
The results of the research on the estimate of implementing educational inclusion in the Lika-Senj County showed that the majority of primary school teachers and high school teachers have a positive perception of its implementation. While the majority of primary school teachers have experience with working with students with developmental disabilities, subject teachers report somewhat weaker experience. Both groups of teachers mostly establish cooperation with support staff in the school, but not with professionals out of school. Teachers with less training with these students and with greater support from schools are aware of their teaching methodology, individualize programs, attend professional development and establish cooperation. They, when compared to high school teachers, have a significantly higher estimate of the use of teaching methods and manners of work with these students, apply individualized programs, attend professional development and establish cooperation. The multivariate analysis showed that primary school teachers with less training for working with such students and with greater support from school have more positive estimates of the teaching methodology, implementation of individualized programs, professional development and cooperation and reception of students with disabilities by peers and parents. With fewer numbers of students per class, less experience of working with such students and the humanities and social studies profile of teachers, estimates of inclusion of such students become more positive. Primary school teachers, as opposed to high school teachers, more positively estimate their competence when cooperation with parents of these students is weak.
Key words: educational inclusion; evaluation of implementation of inclusion; students with developmental disabilities; primary school teachers and high school teachers.
Rezultati istraživanja procjene provedbe inkluzivne prakse u Ličko-senjskoj županiji pokazuju da većina učitelja i nastavnika ima pozitivnu percepciju o njezinoj provedbi. Dok većina učitelja ima iskustvo rada s učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju, kod nastavnika je to iskustvo slabije. I jedni i drugi uglavnom ostvaruju suradnju sa stručno-razvojnom službom škole, ali ne i sa stručnjacima izvan škole. Učitelji manje obrazovani za rad s tim učenicima, s većom potporom škole više metodičko-didaktički oblikuju nastavu, individualiziraju programe te se stručno usavršavaju i surađuju. Oni u odnosu na nastavnike značajno pozitivnije procjenjuju primjenu adekvatnih metoda i načina rada s tim učenicima, primjenu individualiziranih programa, stručno usavršavanje i suradnju. Multivarijantnom analizom pokazalo se da učitelji s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja za rad s tim učenicima te većom potporom škole imaju pozitivnije procjene metodičko-didaktičkih aspekata rada, primjene individualiziranih programa, stručnog usavršavanja i suradnje, kao i prihvaćanja učenika s teškoćama od vršnjaka i roditelja. S manjim brojem učenika u razredu, manjim iskustvom rada s tim učenicima, humanističkim i društvenim profilom nastavnika, procjene uključivanja tih učenika postaju pozitivnije. Učitelji, za razliku od nastavnika, pozitivnije procjenjuju vlastitu kompetentnost što je suradnja s roditeljima tih učenika manja.
Ključne riječi: odgojno-obrazovna inkluzija; procjena provedbe inkluzivne prakse; učenici s teškoćama u razvoju; učitelji i nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola.
The results of the research on the estimate of implementing educational inclusion in the Lika-Senj County showed that the majority of primary school teachers and high school teachers have a positive perception of its implementation. While the majority of primary school teachers have experience with working with students with developmental disabilities, subject teachers report somewhat weaker experience. Both groups of teachers mostly establish cooperation with support staff in the school, but not with professionals out of school. Teachers with less training with these students and with greater support from schools are aware of their teaching methodology, individualize programs, attend professional development and establish cooperation. They, when compared to high school teachers, have a significantly higher estimate of the use of teaching methods and manners of work with these students, apply individualized programs, attend professional development and establish cooperation. The multivariate analysis showed that primary school teachers with less training for working with such students and with greater support from school have more positive estimates of the teaching methodology, implementation of individualized programs, professional development and cooperation and reception of students with disabilities by peers and parents. With fewer numbers of students per class, less experience of working with such students and the humanities and social studies profile of teachers, estimates of inclusion of such students become more positive. Primary school teachers, as opposed to high school teachers, more positively estimate their competence when cooperation with parents of these students is weak.
Key words: educational inclusion; evaluation of implementation of inclusion; students with developmental disabilities; primary school teachers and high school teachers.
Rezultati istraživanja procjene provedbe inkluzivne prakse u Ličko-senjskoj županiji pokazuju da većina učitelja i nastavnika ima pozitivnu percepciju o njezinoj provedbi. Dok većina učitelja ima iskustvo rada s učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju, kod nastavnika je to iskustvo slabije. I jedni i drugi uglavnom ostvaruju suradnju sa stručno-razvojnom službom škole, ali ne i sa stručnjacima izvan škole. Učitelji manje obrazovani za rad s tim učenicima, s većom potporom škole više metodičko-didaktički oblikuju nastavu, individualiziraju programe te se stručno usavršavaju i surađuju. Oni u odnosu na nastavnike značajno pozitivnije procjenjuju primjenu adekvatnih metoda i načina rada s tim učenicima, primjenu individualiziranih programa, stručno usavršavanje i suradnju. Multivarijantnom analizom pokazalo se da učitelji s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja za rad s tim učenicima te većom potporom škole imaju pozitivnije procjene metodičko-didaktičkih aspekata rada, primjene individualiziranih programa, stručnog usavršavanja i suradnje, kao i prihvaćanja učenika s teškoćama od vršnjaka i roditelja. S manjim brojem učenika u razredu, manjim iskustvom rada s tim učenicima, humanističkim i društvenim profilom nastavnika, procjene uključivanja tih učenika postaju pozitivnije. Učitelji, za razliku od nastavnika, pozitivnije procjenjuju vlastitu kompetentnost što je suradnja s roditeljima tih učenika manja.
Ključne riječi: odgojno-obrazovna inkluzija; procjena provedbe inkluzivne prakse; učenici s teškoćama u razvoju; učitelji i nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola.
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