Preschool Teachers’ Music Competencies Based on Preschool Education Students’ Self-Assessment / Glazbene kompetencije odgojitelja u svjetlu samorefleksije studenata ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja
AbstractIn view of numerous benefits of music in a child's overall development, music education is increasingly becoming an imperative and a challenge of the contemporary education practice. In this respect, every educator should have some level of music competency. The purpose of this paper was to examine the music competencies of early and preschool education students at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb. The basic competencies, as well as those pertaining to teaching methodology and musical creativity were tested along with their implementation in the education practice. The study was based on students' self-assessment and a questionnaire designed for this purpose. In order to further the education practice, respondents were asked about the competencies they wanted to improve during their graduate study. A total of 223 students of the full-time and the part-time graduate study program of Early and Preschool Education at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, took part in the survey. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were applied, and the results obtained show respondents' very positive assessment of their basic competencies and those pertaining to teaching methodology and musical creativity. However, their self-assessment of practical competencies and an expressed desire for improvement indicate an awareness of the need for further development of their musical competencies. Research results can serve as a guideline for improving the quality of music education, both at undergraduate and graduate preschool education study programs of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb. Key words: early childhood and preschool education; music competencies; preschool teacher; self-assessment.---SažetakS obzirom na brojne dobrobiti glazbe u djetetovu cjelovitom razvoju, glazbeni odgoj sve više postaje imperativ i izazov suvremene odgojno-obrazovne prakse. U skladu s time svaki bi odgojitelj trebao posjedovati određene glazbene kompetencije. Cilj ovoga rada jest ispitati glazbene kompetencije studenata diplomskog studija Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Samorefleksijom studenata, putem anketnog upitnika oblikovanog za potrebe ovog istraživanja, ispitane su temeljne, metodičke i glazbeno-stvaralačke kompetencije, kao i njihova praktična primjena u odgojno-obrazovnoj praksi. S ciljem dodatnog unapređenja odgojno-obrazovne prakse prikupljena su stajališta i mišljenja ispitanika o kompetencijama koje bi dodatno željeli usavršiti tijekom diplomskog studija. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 223 ispitanika, studenata redovitog i izvanrednog diplomskog studija RPOO Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Primijenjena je kvantitativna i kvalitativna metoda znanstvenog pedagoškog istraživanja. Zaključeno je da bez obzira na to što ispitanici samorefleksijom visoko procjenjuju svoje temeljne, metodičke i glazbeno-stvaralačke kompetencije, samorefleksija njihovih praktičnih kompetencija, kao i izražena potreba za dodatnim usavršavanjem, ukazuju na to da su ispitanici svjesni potrebe za daljnjim razvojem svojih glazbenih kompetencija. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju smjernicu za daljnje unapređenje kvalitete nastave glazbe, kako studenata diplomskog tako i dodiplomskog studija Ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.Ključne riječi: glazbene kompetencije; odgojitelji; rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje; samorefleksija.
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