Pedagogy Student Attitudes Towards Single Motherhood – Challenges and Perspectives/Stavovi studenata pedagogije prema samohranom majčinstvu – izazovi i perspektive

Nadja Čekolj


To create a quality partnership between pedagogues and diverse family structures, it is important to have positive attitudes towards parenting competencies of single mothers and the whole family dynamics. The aim of the research was to question attitudes of pedagogy students towards different types of single motherhood. The difference in attitudes towards various types of single motherhood considering students’ socio-demographic characteristics was analyzed. The research was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The participants were pedagogy students (N=110) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The results showed that pedagogy students mostly express positive attitudes towards single motherhood, however, there is a difference in attitudes concerning the type of single motherhood. Female students show more positive attitudes towards all types of single motherhood. First-year graduate students have more positive attitudes than first-year undergraduate students, which leads to the conclusion that the education of professional associates - pedagogues has a major role in creating positive attitudes towards different family structures and improving cooperation with parents from such families.

Key words: divorced single mothers; partnership between educational institutions and single mothers; single mothers by choice; widows.

Za ostvarivanje kvalitetnog partnerstva stručnih suradnika – pedagoga s različitim strukturama obitelji nužno je imati pozitivne stavove prema roditeljskim kompetencijama samohranih majki i cjelokupnoj obiteljskoj dinamici. Cilj je bio ispitati stavove studenata pedagogije prema različitim kategorijama samohranog majčinstva. Analizirana je i razlika u stavovima studenata prema različitim kategorijama samohranog majčinstva s obzirom na socio-demografska obilježja studenata. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ankete na prigodnom kvotnom uzorku studenata pedagogije (N=110) Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Rezultati su pokazali da studenti pedagogije imaju općenito pozitivan stav prema samohranom majčinstvu, ali da postoji razlika u stavovima s obzirom na kategoriju samohranog majčinstva. Također, studentice imaju pozitivnije stavove prema svim kategorijama samohranog majčinstva, a studenti četvrte godine imaju pozitivnije stavove od studenata prve godine. Zaključuje se da obrazovanje stručnih suradnika – pedagoga ima veliku važnost u stvaranju pozitivnih stavova prema različitim obiteljskim strukturama kako bi se unaprijedila suradnja s roditeljima iz različitih obiteljskih struktura.

Ključne riječi: partnerstvo odgojno-obrazovnih institucija sa samohranim majkama; razvedene samohrane majke; samohrane majke po izboru; udovice.

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