Structure of Motor Abilities of Pre-School Children before and After Kinesiology Treatment

Danimir Mandić, Dragan Martinović, Vladan Pelemiš


The research included the sample of 114 pre-school children age 6 and 7, with average values of height (TV=123.23cm±5.43) and weight (TT=24.53kg±2.71), divided into two groups: (E) experimental (n=55) which had an additional programme of kinesiological activities lasting for 12 weeks and (K) control group (n=59), which apart from regular activities in physical education classes in the kindergarten did not have a programme of kinesiology activities. The aim of the research was to determine latent structure of motor abilities before and after the treatment of kinesiological activities, and determining compatibility of factor saturation. Correlation was done by Pearson correlation coefficient, and determination of the structure of motor activities was done by factor analysis and by the method of major components with bent promax rotation of isolated main components. Tucker index of saturation factor was used for determining compatibility of isolated factors. Results of the research point at the fact that initial and final measuring of both tested groups, two-dimensional structure of motor abilities consisting of coordination and strength, which could most appropriately be defined as one meaning the general motor factor. Congruence between isolated factors in E and K groups gained in initial and final measuring, show that there are no differences in structure of isolated factors. It can be concluded that motor functioning of children is still under mechanism of structuring movement, so after treatments of kinesiology activities, there are still the same factors, and quality changes in structure of motor abilities are not achieved in the tested age.

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