Preschool Children's Reactions to Active Music Listening through Movement, Visual Arts and Verbal Expression / Reakcije djece na aktivno slušanje glazbe kroz pokret, likovnost i verbalnost

Jelena Blašković, Ana Kuliš



Active listening to music is an experience which preschool children may find interesting and enjoyable. Preschool children often enjoy activities which enable them to be creative and to express themselves without any limitations. As a result of providing children with activities in which they learn about their environment through their senses and are encouraged to express their experience, their perception and the perception of what they are offered is facilitated through music. This study, which included 204 participants (preschool children) in three different kindergartens in Zagreb, examined preschool children’s reactions to active music listening. Three types of children’s expression, i.e. expression through visual arts, verbal communication and movement were examined. The results showed that children react positively to active music listening and enjoy the whole music activity. In other words, children were active participants in the process of development and learning. Moreover, they enjoyed that type of music activity.

Key words: active music listening; preschool children; research.



Slušanje glazbe jedno je od najmlađih područja u sustavu ranoga i predškolskoga odgoja i obrazovanja. To je glazbena aktivnost u kojoj djeca aktivno upoznaju svijet glazbe putem osjetila unutar kojeg se potiče izražavanje glazbenih doživljaja posredstvom različitih odgojno-obrazovna područja. Cilj rada bio je ispitati reakcije djece na aktivno slušanje glazbe putem tri načina izražavanja – pokretom, likovnošću i verbalno. Sudjelovala su djeca iz tri zagrebačka vrtića u devet vrtićkih skupina (N=204). Istraživanje je pokazalo da djeca pozitivno reagiraju na glazbu te se rado uključuju u takvu vrstu glazbene aktivnosti putem sva tri načina izražavanja reakcija.

Ključne riječi: aktivno slušanje glazbe; djeca predškolske dobi; istraživanje. 


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