A sample consisting of 562 schoolgirls and schoolboys attending seventh and eighth grades (261 girls and 301 boys) was used to determine the relationship between self-evaluation of motor and functional abilities and the actual results achieved by female and male students, as well as the difference in self-evaluation attributable to gender. The study included tests analyzing speed, strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance which are also regularly evaluated during Physical Education classes. Male students showed a significant ability in realistically evaluating their own abilities, with the gender difference with regard to the ability of self-evaluation also being significant. Examinees demonstrated a high level of aptitude in self-evaluating their own potentials, whereas female students achieved a higher level of precision in predicting flexibility and coordination. Both boys and girls demonstrated poor ability in self-evaluating static strength. The authors hereby recommend that mentioned method be regularly implemented in Physical Education classes so as to facilitate and expedite objective distinguishing of students’ anthropological status, as well as to motivate students to engage in regular kinesiological activities.
Keywords: anthropological characteristics, assessment, questionnaire, students
Na uzorku od 562 učenica i učenika sedmih i osmih razreda (261 učenice i 301 učenik) cilj je bio utvrditi relacije između samoprocjene motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti i stvarnih rezultata učenica i učenika te razlike među spolovima u samoprocjeni. U istraživanju su obuhvaćeni testovi brzine, snage, koordinacije, fleksibilnosti i izdržljivosti koji se redovito procjenjuju u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Kod učenika evidentna je visoka sposobnost realne procjene vlastitih mogućnosti, ali i značajna razlika među spolovima u sposobnosti samoprocjene. Ispitanici su pokazali dobru samoprocjenu svojih potencijal s tom razlikom da su učenice postigle veću točnost u predviđanju ocjena fleksibilnosti i koordinacije. I jedni i drugi su pokazali nisku sposobnost u samoprocjeni statičke snage. Preporuka je autora da se navedena metoda redovito implementira u nastavu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture kako bi se olakšalo i ubrzalo objektivno razlučivanje antropološkog statusa učenika i potaklo ih se na redovitu kineziološku aktivnost.
Ključne riječi: učenici, upitnik, ocjenjivanje, antropološka obilježja
A sample consisting of 562 schoolgirls and schoolboys attending seventh and eighth grades (261 girls and 301 boys) was used to determine the relationship between self-evaluation of motor and functional abilities and the actual results achieved by female and male students, as well as the difference in self-evaluation attributable to gender. The study included tests analyzing speed, strength, coordination, flexibility and endurance which are also regularly evaluated during Physical Education classes. Male students showed a significant ability in realistically evaluating their own abilities, with the gender difference with regard to the ability of self-evaluation also being significant. Examinees demonstrated a high level of aptitude in self-evaluating their own potentials, whereas female students achieved a higher level of precision in predicting flexibility and coordination. Both boys and girls demonstrated poor ability in self-evaluating static strength. The authors hereby recommend that mentioned method be regularly implemented in Physical Education classes so as to facilitate and expedite objective distinguishing of students’ anthropological status, as well as to motivate students to engage in regular kinesiological activities.
Keywords: anthropological characteristics, assessment, questionnaire, students
Na uzorku od 562 učenica i učenika sedmih i osmih razreda (261 učenice i 301 učenik) cilj je bio utvrditi relacije između samoprocjene motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti i stvarnih rezultata učenica i učenika te razlike među spolovima u samoprocjeni. U istraživanju su obuhvaćeni testovi brzine, snage, koordinacije, fleksibilnosti i izdržljivosti koji se redovito procjenjuju u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Kod učenika evidentna je visoka sposobnost realne procjene vlastitih mogućnosti, ali i značajna razlika među spolovima u sposobnosti samoprocjene. Ispitanici su pokazali dobru samoprocjenu svojih potencijal s tom razlikom da su učenice postigle veću točnost u predviđanju ocjena fleksibilnosti i koordinacije. I jedni i drugi su pokazali nisku sposobnost u samoprocjeni statičke snage. Preporuka je autora da se navedena metoda redovito implementira u nastavu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture kako bi se olakšalo i ubrzalo objektivno razlučivanje antropološkog statusa učenika i potaklo ih se na redovitu kineziološku aktivnost.
Ključne riječi: učenici, upitnik, ocjenjivanje, antropološka obilježja
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