Spolne razlike u ciljnoj orijentaciji srednjoškolaca na satovima tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture/ Gender Differences In Goal Orientation Between High School Students On Physical Education Classes
U okviru kinezioloških aktivnosti a uzimajući u obzir Nichollsovu teoriju ciljne orijentacije razlikujemo usmjerenost na zadatak odnosno razvoj vještine i usmjerenost na izvedbu odnosno rezultat, prema kojoj učenici prosuđuju vlastitu kompetentnost.
Osnovni cilj i značaj rada bio je utvrditi postojanje spolnih razlika u usmjerenosti prema zadatku i prema rezultatu kod učenika srednjih škola. Uzorak ispitanika formiran je od ukupno 211 učenika i učenica u dobi od 14 do 17 godina (N=211, Nž=80, Nm=131). Individualne razlike u ciljnoj orijentaciji srednjoškolaca procijenjene su Upitnikom ciljne orijentacije u sportu-TEOSQ (Duda i sur., 1995, adaptirala za hrvatsku populaciju Barić, 2001). Izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni pokazatelji, a t-test primijenjen je za ispitivanje razlika u ciljnoj orijentaciji s obzirom na spol. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje spolne razlike u usmjerenosti na rezultat. Iako su učenici više usmjereni na rezultat od učenica (t=-3.9; p=0.00), rezultati ukazuju da su i učenici i i učenice dominantno usmjereni na zadatak. Zaključuje se da srednjoškolci imaju poželjnu ciljnu orijentaciju koja učenike usmjerava ka učenju novih vještina, postizanju osobnog napretka, te izvršavanju postavljenih zadataka.
Ključne riječi: adolescenti; motivacija, razlike prema spolu; usmjerenost na rezultat; usmjerenost prema zadatku---
Within kinesiology activities, concerning Nichollas achievement theory, we distinguish 'task' goal orientation/involvement and 'ego' goal orientation/involvement, according to which students judged their own competence.
The main aim and significance of this study are to determine the existence of gender differences in task and ego orientation among high school students. The sample of examinees is consisted of 211 high school students, boys and girls aged between 14 to 17 years (N=211, Nf =80, Nm=131). Individual differences in goal orientation of the students have been assessed by the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire - TEOSQ. The basic descriptive indicators were calculated, and the t-test was applied to test differences in goal orientation according to gender. The results show that there are gender differences in ego orientation. Although males are more ego oriented than girls (t=-3.9; p=0.00), the results show that both girls and boys are dominantly task oriented. To conclude, high school students have a desirable goal orientation that directs students to learn new skills, to achieve personal improvement and to perform set tasks.
Keywords: adolescents, motivation, gender differences; task orientation; orientation to result
Within kinesiology activities, concerning Nichollas achievement theory, we distinguish 'task' goal orientation/involvement and 'ego' goal orientation/involvement, according to which students judged their own competence.
The main aim and significance of this study are to determine the existence of gender differences in task and ego orientation among high school students. The sample of examinees is consisted of 211 high school students, boys and girls aged between 14 to 17 years (N=211, Nf =80, Nm=131). Individual differences in goal orientation of the students have been assessed by the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire - TEOSQ. The basic descriptive indicators were calculated, and the t-test was applied to test differences in goal orientation according to gender. The results show that there are gender differences in ego orientation. Although males are more ego oriented than girls (t=-3.9; p=0.00), the results show that both girls and boys are dominantly task oriented. To conclude, high school students have a desirable goal orientation that directs students to learn new skills, to achieve personal improvement and to perform set tasks.
Keywords: adolescents, motivation, gender differences; task orientation; orientation to result
Full Text:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v19i0.2691
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