The subject of discussion is peer violence and the role of school counselors when dealing with this problem. The first part of the article gives a definition of peer violence as it applies to the role of the school counselor when dealing with peer violence. The second part of the article shows the results of empirical research which took place in March and April of 2010 on a sample of 428 students and students from Slovene schools. The fundamental objective of this research was to determine the actual state of this problem in practice: determining the role of school counseling in discovering and solving problems concerning peer violence; finding out whether students trust school counselors, whether they turn to them when in trouble, whether they cooperate with school counselors and if school counseling also works preventively.
Key words: bullying; school counseling; peer violence; preventive work.
Tema ovoga rada je vršnjačko nasilje te uloga koju školski savjetnici imaju kada se suočavaju sa spomenutim problemom. Uvodni dio rada definira pojam vršnjačkog nasilja te način na koji ono utječe na rad školskog savjetnika kada se suočava s tim problemom. Drugi dio rada prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanja koje je provedeno u ožujku i travnju 2010. na uzorku od 428 učenika is slovenskih škola. Glavna svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ustanoviti stvarno stanje tovog problema u praksi: odrediti ulogu školskog savjetovanja u pronalaženju i rješavanju problema vezanih uz vršnjačko nasilje; otkriti vjeruju li učenici školskim savjetnicima, obraćaju li im se kada imaju problem, odnosno surađuju li s njima, te djeluju li školski savjetnici preventivno.
Ključne riječi: nasilje; preventivni rad; školsko savjetovanje; vršnjačko nasilje
The subject of discussion is peer violence and the role of school counselors when dealing with this problem. The first part of the article gives a definition of peer violence as it applies to the role of the school counselor when dealing with peer violence. The second part of the article shows the results of empirical research which took place in March and April of 2010 on a sample of 428 students and students from Slovene schools. The fundamental objective of this research was to determine the actual state of this problem in practice: determining the role of school counseling in discovering and solving problems concerning peer violence; finding out whether students trust school counselors, whether they turn to them when in trouble, whether they cooperate with school counselors and if school counseling also works preventively.
Key words: bullying; school counseling; peer violence; preventive work.
Tema ovoga rada je vršnjačko nasilje te uloga koju školski savjetnici imaju kada se suočavaju sa spomenutim problemom. Uvodni dio rada definira pojam vršnjačkog nasilja te način na koji ono utječe na rad školskog savjetnika kada se suočava s tim problemom. Drugi dio rada prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanja koje je provedeno u ožujku i travnju 2010. na uzorku od 428 učenika is slovenskih škola. Glavna svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ustanoviti stvarno stanje tovog problema u praksi: odrediti ulogu školskog savjetovanja u pronalaženju i rješavanju problema vezanih uz vršnjačko nasilje; otkriti vjeruju li učenici školskim savjetnicima, obraćaju li im se kada imaju problem, odnosno surađuju li s njima, te djeluju li školski savjetnici preventivno.
Ključne riječi: nasilje; preventivni rad; školsko savjetovanje; vršnjačko nasilje
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