Teaching Word Stress Patterns in Primary School/Naglasak u osnovnoškolskoj nastavi
The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between the four integral parts of the educational process: the documents (The National Curriculum Framework for Pre-School Education and General Compulsory and Secondary Education and The Syllabus for Primary School), Croatian language textbooks (with accompanying teacher’s books), teachers and students. The pilot study included 9 teachers and 73 students. The results indicate that textbooks are mainly in line with the educational outcomes stated in the strategic documents, but that there are also some departures from these outcomes. Sometimes teachers depart from the guidelines set in the documents, but their attitude to the teaching unit Word Stress Patterns is a reflection of their personal opinion, their perception of the educational outcomes, the time planned for this unit, students’ abilities, etc. The difference in the results achieved by students in the target group and those in the control group in the variable Test Achievement was not statistically significant. Statistical difference was not found in the variable The Parents’ Background either. Some answers provided by students indicate the areas in which students have most difficulties. More comprehensive future studies would further develop the new knowledge, which might result in a more efficient study of this particular teaching unit.
Key words: Croatian language; primary school; word stress patterns.
Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je utvrditi međuodnos četiriju sastavnica odgojno-obrazovnoga procesa: dokumenata, odnosno Nacionalnoga okvirnoga kurikuluma za predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, kao i opće obvezno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, Nastavnoga plan i programa za osnovnu školu, udžbenika hrvatskoga jezika (kojima su pridodani priručnici za učitelje), učitelja i učenika. U pilot-istraživanju sudjelovalo je 9 učiteljica i 73 učenika. Rezultati pokazuju da udžbenici u većoj mjeri slijede obrazovne zadaće istaknute u dokumentima, ali da postoje pojedina odstupanja. Nastavnici također ponekad odstupaju od dokumenata, a njihov je stav prema nastavnoj jedinici Naglasak odraz vlastita mišljenja, ali i razumijevanja obrazovnih zadaća, predviđena vremena, učeničkih sposobnosti i sl. Razlika u rezultatu između učenika ciljane i kontrolne skupine na varijabli Uspjeh na ispitu nije statistički značajna. Statističke značajnosti također nema na varijabli Podrijetlo roditelja. Pojedini odgovori učenika ukazuju na to što učenicima stvara najviše poteškoća. Sustavnijim istraživanjima u budućnosti bi se nadogradile navedene spoznaje, što bi moglo ishoditi učinkovitijim poučavanjem te nastavne jedinice.
Ključne riječi: naglasak; hrvatski jezik; osnovna škola.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v20i0.2384
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