Diana Kopacevic, Nataša Rogulja, Maja Katarina Tomić



According to Csikszentmihalyi (1990, pg. 4), flow is “an optimal, extremely enjoyable state which people experience when they are so involved in what they are doing that nothing else seems to matter...”. In this study flow has been measured with the Flow Questionnaire (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). The research has been conducted on the sample of 200 students. The aim of this research has been to determine whether there is a difference in the flow experience during studies among the students of the Faculty of Teacher Education (FTE) (Informatics, Primary education) and the students of the Faculty of Science (FS), Department of Mathematics (Teachers). It was also investigated which variables (knowledge and skills in computing science/informatics, subjective well-being) contribute to the more intense and more frequent flow experience during studies. Conclusions: There are no statistically significant differences in flow between students studying at the FTE and FS, and the average flow during studies for both groups was M=4.93, on the scale 1 to 8. Proportion of variance of flow explained by inspected variables was 37.6% and it is statistically significant (F=20.68; df=6; p<0.001), but the only significant predictors were positive affect (β=0,45; p<0,001) and negative affect (β=-0,25; p<0,001). The grades the students received have been used as a means of measuring knowledge and skill, however, it has been found that they stand in no connection with the intensity or frequency of the occurrence of flow. 

Key Words: optimal experience, informatics, computing science, subjective well-being





Prema  Csikszentmihalyu (1990, str. 4), zanesenost je “optimalno, vrlo ugodno stanje koje ljudi doživljavaju kada su toliko zaokupljeni sa onime što rade da im ništa drugo nije važno...” U ovoj studiji zanesenost (eng. flow) mjerena je s Upitnikom zanesenosti (Csikszentmihalyi i Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 200 studenata. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi postoji li razlika između iskustva zanesenosti tijekom studija kod studenata Učiteljskog fakulteta (modul informatika, primarno obrazovanje) i studenata Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta (matematički odjel, nastavnički smjer). Istraženo je, također, koje varijable pridonose intenzivnijem i češćem iskustvu zanesenosti tijekom studija (znanje i sposobnosti u području računarstva/informatike, subjektivna dobrobit). Zaključci: ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u iskustvu zanesenosti između studenata UF-a i PMF-a, prosječno iskustvo zanesenosti tijekom studija za obje grupe je bilo M=4.93, na skali od 1 do 8. Postotak objašnjene varijance zanesenosti promatranim varijablama iznosi 37.6% i statistički je značajan (F=20.68; df=6; p<0.001), no jedini značajni prediktori bile su pozitivne emocije (β=0,45; p<0,001) i negativne emocije (β=-0,25; p<0,001). Ocjene koje su studenti dobivali su upotrijebljene kao sredstvo za mjerenje znanja i vještine, međutim zaključeno je da ne stoje u izravnoj vezi sa intenzitetom i frekvencijom iskustva zanesenosti.

Ključne riječi: flow, optimalno iskustvo, informatika, računarstvo, subjektivna dobrobit


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15516/cje.v13i4.235


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