The Assessment of the Competences of the Teacher Training College Students and the Teachers for Inclusive Practice /Procjene kompetentnosti studenata Učiteljskog studija i učitelja za inkluzivnu praksu
The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the opinions of students from the Department of Teacher Education Studies and the teachers in regular primary schools on the acquired competences for inclusive education. The study is based on their personal assessment of the degree of qualifications for the application of certain components of inclusive education of students with disabilities. The study included 212 third-year students and 127 fifth-year students from the Department of Teacher Education Studies and 151 teachers from regular primary schools. The scale of assessment of competences for inclusive education encompassed assessment components of their own abilities to identify the students with disabilities and their knowledge of the specifics of their individual problems, the knowledge of didactic and methodological approaches, the skill to provide the necessary individualized support, the knowledge of communication skills in partnership with parents and the readiness for teamwork and collaboration with other staff members in school. The analysis has shown that the students are more willing to initiate processes for providing the necessary support in accordance with the legal provisions, as well as to initiate activities for the affirmation of the students' rights placing an emphasis on the importance of teamwork, while the teachers are more competent in communication with parents and counselling and also in joint cooperation with other experts. The results also reveal a greater competence of the teachers and the third-year students in lesson planning and design of specific teaching material and individualized educational programmes, while the fifth-year students, along with the teachers, are considered to be better qualified to apply a higher level of ethics and professionalism and for work with parents.
Key words: competences; inclusive education; students at the Department of Teacher Education Studies; teachers.
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Cilj istraživanja ovoga rada je utvrditi razlike između studenata Učiteljskog studija i učitelja u redovitim osnovnim školama u mišljenjima o stečenim kompetencijama za odgojno-obrazovnu inkluziju. Istraživanje se temelji na njihovoj osobnoj procjeni stupnja osposobljenosti za primjenu pojedinih komponenti odgojno-obrazovne inkluzije učenika s teškoćama. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 212 studenata treće godine i 127 studenta pete godine Učiteljskog studija i 151 učitelj redovitih osnovnih škola. Skalom procjene kompetencija za odgojno-obrazovnu inkluziju obuhvaćene su komponente: procjena o vlastitoj sposobnosti identifikacije učenika s teškoćama i poznavanju specifičnosti pojedinih teškoća, poznavanje didaktičko-metodičkog pristupa i pružanja potrebne individualizirane podrške, poznavanje komunikacijskih vještina u partnerskim odnosima s roditeljima, spremnost na timski rad i suradnju s ostalim sudionicima u školi. Analizom je utvrđeno da su studenti spremniji inicirati procese za pružanje potrebne podrške u skladu sa zakonskim odredbama kao i inicirati aktivnosti za afirmaciju prava učenika naglašavajući važnost timskog rada, a da su učitelji kompetentniji u komunikaciji i savjetodavnom radu s roditeljima, kao i u suradnji s ostalim stručnjacima. Rezultati također ukazuju na veći osjećaj kompetentnosti učitelja i studenata treće godine u planiranju nastave i izrade prilagođenih nastavnih materijala i individualiziranih odgojno-obrazovnih programa, a da se studenti pete godine smatraju osposobljenijima za primjenu više razine etičnosti i profesionalnosti, kao i u radu s roditeljima.
Ključne riječi: kompetencije; odgojno-obrazovna inkluzija; studenti učiteljskog studija; učitelji.
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